#requires -RunAsAdministrator function Invoke-TuneUp { [CmdletBinding()] <# .SYNOPSIS Re-apply Invoke-TunerQuickSetup configuration items .DESCRIPTION Performs a subset of Invoke-TunerQuickSetup: Patching, Chocolatey Packages, and (optionally) PowerShell module updates, if -Full is used. .PARAMETER Full Invokes PowerShell module check-up and updates (Invoke-TunerPSModuleCheck -UpdateAll) If omitted, invokes Chocolatey packages (Invoke-TunerChocoPackages) and Patching (Invoke-TunerPatching) .EXAMPLE Invoke-Tuneup .EXAMPLE Invoke-Tuneup -Full #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Run full tune-up")] [switch] $Full ) $regpath = 'HKCU:Software\Tuner' try { Write-Verbose "reading defaults from registry" $key = Get-Item -Path $regpath -ErrorAction Stop $config = $key.GetValue('ConfigurationName') Write-Debug "found!" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($config)) { Write-Warning "Invoke-TunerQuickSetup needs to be executed at least once before using this function" break } Invoke-TunerChocoPackages -Configuration $config if ($Full) { Invoke-TunerPSModuleCheck -UpdateAll } Invoke-TunerPatching New-ItemProperty -Path $regpath -Name "LastRun" -Value (Get-Date) -Force } catch { Write-Error $Error[0].Exception.Message } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-TuneUp |