function WritePowerShellTipToTerminal { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([void])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The PowerShell Tip to write to the terminal.')] [tiPS.PowerShellTip] $Tip ) [ConsoleColor] $headerColor = [ConsoleColor]::Cyan [ConsoleColor] $tipTextColor = [ConsoleColor]::White [ConsoleColor] $exampleColor = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow [ConsoleColor] $urlsColor = [ConsoleColor]::Green [ConsoleColor] $minPowerShellVersionColor = [ConsoleColor]::Red # Calculate how many header characters to put on each side of the title to make it look nice. [int] $numberOfCharactersInHeader = 80 [int] $numberOfHeaderCharactersOnEachSideOfTitle = [Math]::Floor(($numberOfCharactersInHeader - ($Tip.Title.Length + 2)) / 2) [int] $additionalHeaderCharacterNeeded = 0 if ($Tip.Title.Length % 2 -eq 1) { $additionalHeaderCharacterNeeded = 1 } [string] $header = ('-' * $numberOfHeaderCharactersOnEachSideOfTitle) + ' ' + $Tip.Title + ' ' + ('-' * ($numberOfHeaderCharactersOnEachSideOfTitle + $additionalHeaderCharacterNeeded)) Write-Host $header -ForegroundColor $headerColor Write-Host $Tip.TipText -ForegroundColor $tipTextColor if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Tip.Example)) { Write-Host 'Example: ' -ForegroundColor $exampleColor -NoNewline Write-Host $Tip.Example -ForegroundColor $exampleColor } if ($Tip.UrlsAreProvided) { Write-Host 'More information: ' -ForegroundColor $urlsColor -NoNewline Write-Host $Tip.Urls -ForegroundColor $urlsColor } if ($Tip.MinPowerShellVersionIsProvided) { Write-Host 'Required PowerShell version or greater: ' -ForegroundColor $minPowerShellVersionColor -NoNewline Write-Host $Tip.MinPowerShellVersion -ForegroundColor $minPowerShellVersionColor } Write-Host ('-' * $numberOfCharactersInHeader) -ForegroundColor $headerColor } |