function Install-Terraform { <# .SYNOPSIS Installs the Terraform CLI tool. .DESCRIPTION Downloads and installs either a specific version of Terraform, or the latest one available. .PARAMETER Version Version of Terraform to install. .PARAMETER DisableLogo Disables the logo. .PARAMETER SetAsActive Automatically set the downloaded version as the active one. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Install-Terraform. .OUTPUTS System string. .EXAMPLE Install-Terraform .EXAMPLE Install-Terraform -Version 0.13.1 .EXAMPLE Install-Terraform 0.13.1 -SetAsActive .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Version, [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableLogo, [Parameter()] [switch] $SetAsActive ) <#----------------------------------------------+ |The secret to getting ahead is getting started | | - Mark Twain | +----------------------------------------------#> begin { # Write the logo, +1 to sexiness - if not disabled if (!$DisableLogo) { Write-tftoolsLogo } # Set platform specific variables, by determining what version of PowerShell is running and on what platform Set-PlatformVariables # Check if the working directory exists, create it if it doesn't try { New-Item -Path $tfPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-Host "Working directory found..." -ForegroundColor Green } # If the version parameter wasn't used, ask the user what version they want installed # Can also be set to latest, or TODO:beta-latest if (!$Version) { Write-Host "What version do you want?" do { $userResponse = Read-Host "Version number or (l)atest`n" $Version = $userResponse } while ($userResponse.ToLower() -notmatch "(latest)|(l\b)|(beta-latest)|(b\b)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)?(-[\S]+)?()") } elseif ($Version -eq "latest") { Write-Host "Fetching the latest version of Terraform" -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif ($Version -eq "beta-latest") { Write-Host "Fetching the latest beta version of Terraform" -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif ($Version -like "*.*.*") { Write-Host "Fetching Terraform v$Version" -ForegroundColor Yellow } # To avoid existential crisis, we want to check that the version asked for is available. # Also, if latest or beta-latest is requested, we need to figure out what that is. # Fetch the HashiCorp Terraform release page and stick it into an object $releasePageURL = "" [string]$tfReleases = Invoke-WebRequest $releasePageURL -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content # We then want to pick out all the releases available [System.Collections.ArrayList]$tfReleases = $tfReleases -split "`n" | Select-String -Pattern '(?<=\/)([\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+-[\w]+[\d]+|[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)' | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value } } # If version is set to latest, we download the latest release if it doesn't already exist in our working path if (($Version -eq "latest") -or ($Version -eq "l")) { # We want the latest stable version, so if the latest version is beta, release candidate or simular, we'll try and find the last numbered release. switch ($tfReleases[0] -match '-') { $true { $i = 0 do { $i += 1 $Version = $tfReleases[$i] } while ($Version -match '-') } Default { $Version = $tfReleases[0] } } } elseif ($tfReleases -notcontains $Version) { # Stops everything if the version requested doesn't exist Write-Error "Invalid version" break } } process { # If the release exist, check wether or not it has already been downloaded switch (Test-Path -Path "$tfPath/$Version") { $false { Write-Progress "Downloading Terraform v$Version" Write-Host "Downloading Terraform v$Version" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Creating a temporary file to be used while downloading the release $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() # Downloading the release $downloadSplat = @{ uri = "" + $version + "/terraform_" + $Version + "_" + $machineOS + ".zip" OutFile = $tempFile UseBasicParsing = $true } $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Invoke-WebRequest @downloadSplat # Unzip that sucker! Export-ZipFile -ZipFile $tempFile -OutputFolder "$tfPath/$Version" # If the switch SetAsActive is present, automatically set the active version if ($SetAsActive) { Set-TerraformVersion -Version $Version } else { # Ask the user if they want to set the downloaded Terraform as the active version $userResponse = Read-Host "You want to set v$Version as the active version? `n(Y)es or (n)o?" # If they answer yes... switch ($userResponse.ToLower()) { y { Set-TerraformVersion -Version $Version } Default { continue } } } Write-Host "v$Version downloaded" -ForegroundColor Green if ($userResponse -eq "y") { Write-Host "And activated!" -ForegroundColor Magenta } # Cleanup on isle five Remove-Item -Path $tempFile } Default { Write-Error "v$Version already exist" continue } } } # Don’t adventures ever have an end? # I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story. } function Remove-Terraform { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a version of the Terraform CLI tool. .DESCRIPTION Removes a version of Terraform from the local version library. .PARAMETER Version Version of Terraform to remove. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Install-Terraform. .OUTPUTS System string. .EXAMPLE Remove-Terraform .EXAMPLE Remove-Terraform -Version 0.13.1 .LINK #> param ( # Terraform version [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Version, [bool] $Confirm ) Set-PlatformVariables $removeSplat = @{ Path = "$tfPath/$Version" Force = $true recurse = $true confirm = $Confirm } try { Remove-Item @removeSplat -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Version not found" } } |