function Get-TerraformVersion { Write-tftoolsLogo Write-Host "Versions of Terraform, switch active version by using Set-TerraformVersion" # Get the library path and get the currently available versions Set-PlatformVariables $versionsAvailable = (Get-ChildItem $tfPath -Directory).Name # Find out what the current version of Terraform is, or give a warning of there are none try { $activeVersion = ((terraform --version | select-string -Pattern "([\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+-[\w]+[\d]+|[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+)").Matches.Value | Select-Object -First 1) } catch { Write-Warning "There are no versions of Terraform currently active." } $versionsAvailable | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match "($activeVersion\b)") { Write-host "* $_" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-host " $_" } } } function Set-TerraformVersion { param ( # Terraform version [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Version ) Set-PlatformVariables try { Write-Host "Switching to Terraform v$Version" -ForegroundColor Magenta # Copy the terraform file to the WindowsApps directory on Windows, so you're able to execute it # On linux, we copy the file to the library folder and add that to $Env:PATH through our $PROFILE # TODO: Check whether the Unix flow will be the right one for all platforms, so that we can have one less switch, maybe... switch ($machineOS) { "linux_amd64" { Copy-Item -Path "$tfPath/$Version/terraform" -Destination $tfPath -Force -ErrorAction Stop chmod +x "$tfPath/terraform" } Default { Copy-Item -Path "$tfPath/$Version/terraform.exe" -Destination $execDir -Force -ErrorAction Stop} } } catch { Write-Error "Version of Terraform not present in library" Write-Host "Download Terraform v$Version ?" do { $userResponse = Read-Host "(Y)es, (N)o" } until ($userResponse -eq "y" -or "n") switch ($userResponse.ToLower()) { y { Install-Terraform -Version $Version -DisableLogo } n { Write-Host "Not downloading v$Version" -ForegroundColor Red break } } $activeVersion = (terraform --version | select-string -Pattern "([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)").Matches.Value | Select-Object -First 1 if ($activeVersion -eq $Version) { Write-Host "Verification: Version downloaded and is currently active" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow } } } |