# ---- Installation of Terraform ---- # function Install-Terraform { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Version of Terraform to install [Parameter(Position = 0)] [string] $Version, # Disable logo, if called by another cmdlet [Parameter()] [switch] $DisableLogo ) <#----------------------------------------------+ |The secret to getting ahead is getting started | | - Mark Twain | +----------------------------------------------#> begin { # Write the logo, +1 to sexiness - if not disabled if (!$DisableLogo) { Write-tftoolsLogo } # Set platform specific variables, by determining what version of PowerShell is running and on what platform Set-PlatformVariables # Check if the working directory exists, create it if it doesn't try { New-Item -Path $tfPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-Host "Working directory found..." -ForegroundColor Green } # If the version parameter wasn't used, ask the user what version they want installed # Can also be set to latest, or TODO:beta-latest if (!$Version) { Write-Host "What version do you want?" do { $userResponse = Read-Host "Version number or (l)atest`n" $Version = $userResponse } while ($userResponse -notmatch "(latest)|(l\b)|(beta-latest)|(b\b)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9])") } elseif ($Version -eq "latest") { Write-Host "Fetching the latest version of Terraform" -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif ($Version -eq "beta-latest") { Write-Host "Fetching the latest beta version of Terraform" -ForegroundColor Yellow } elseif ($Version -like "*.*.*") { Write-Host "Fetching Terraform v$Version" -ForegroundColor Yellow } # To avoid existential crisis, we want to check that the version asked for is available. # Also, if latest or beta-latest is requested, we need to figure out what that is. # Fetch the HashiCorp Terraform release page and stick it into an object $releasePageURL = "" $tfReleases = Invoke-WebRequest $releasePageURL -UseBasicParsing | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Content # We then want to pick out all the releases available $tfReleases = $tfReleases -split "`n" | Select-String -Pattern "/terraform/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value } } # If version is set to latest, we download the latest release if it doesn't already exist in our working path if (($Version -eq "latest") -or ($Version -eq "l")) { $Version = $tfReleases[0] if (Get-ChildItem -Path "$tfPath/$Version" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Exists) { Write-Error "Version already exist" break } } elseif ($tfReleases -notcontains $Version) { # Stops everything if the version requested doesn't exist Write-Error "Invalid version" break } elseif ($tfReleases -contains $Version) { # If the release exist, check wether or not it has already been downloaded if (Get-ChildItem -Path "$tfPath/$Version" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -Property Exists) { Write-Error "Version already exist" break } else { Write-Progress "Downloading Terraform v$Version" } } else { Write-Progress "Downloading Terraform v$Version" } } process { Write-Host "Downloading Terraform v$Version" -ForegroundColor Yellow # Creating a temporary file to be used while downloading the release $tempFile = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() # Downloading the release $downloadSplat = @{ uri = "" + $version + "/terraform_" + $version + "_" + $machineOS + ".zip" OutFile = $tempFile UseBasicParsing = $true } Invoke-WebRequest @downloadSplat # Unzip that sucker! Export-ZipFile -ZipFile $tempFile -OutputFolder "$tfPath/$version" # Ask the user if they want to set the downloaded Terraform as the active version $userResponse = Read-Host "You want to set v$Version as the active version? `n(Y)es or (n)o?" # If they answer yes... switch ($userResponse.ToLower()) { y { Set-TerraformVersion -Version $Version } Default { continue } } } # Don’t adventures ever have an end? # I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story. end { Write-Host "Version downloaded" -ForegroundColor Green if ($userResponse -eq "y") { Write-Host "And activated!" -ForegroundColor Magenta } # Cleanup on isle five Remove-Item -Path $tempFile } } function Remove-Terraform { param ( # Terraform version [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Version ) Set-PlatformVariables try { Remove-Item "$tfPath/$Version" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "Version not found" } } |