
.GUID fde96073-cd23-48f2-b85a-1b39d52777e8
.AUTHOR Dave Farinelli

 This Terraform helper allows for quickly using Terraform with different backend
 configurations for different projects.

param (
  [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]


$availableCommands = @(
  "apply", "destroy", "create", "delete", "list"

function IsValidCommand {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

  return $availableCommands.Contains($command)

function DoesTFDirExist {
  return Test-Path "./tf/"

function DoesEnvExist {
  return ((Test-Path "./tf/$env.beconf.tfvars") -and
    (Test-Path "./tf/$env.tfvars") -and
    (Test-Path "./tf/$env.secrets.tfvars"))

function CreateEnv {
  function CreateIfNotExists {
    param (
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

      [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]


    if ($false -eq (Test-Path "$path$name")) {
      New-Item -Path $path -Name $name -ItemType "file" -Value $value | Out-Null
      Write-Output "$path$name created."

  $beconfContents = @"
resource_group_name = "RG_NAME"
storage_account_name = "terraform"
container_name = "terraformstate"
key = "terraformstate-$env"
access_key = "ACCESS_KEY"

  CreateIfNotExists -path "./tf/" -name "$env.beconf.tfvars" `
    -value $beconfContents
  CreateIfNotExists -path "./tf/" -name "$env.tfvars" -value "env = `"$env`""
  CreateIfNotExists "./tf/" "$env.secrets.tfvars"

function DeleteEnv {

  Remove-Item "./tf/$env.beconf.tfvars"
  Remove-Item "./tf/$env.tfvars"
  Remove-Item "./tf/$env.secrets.tfvars"

function CreateTfFolder {
  WaitForPrompt("tf/ does not exist, create?")
  New-Item -Path ./tf/ -ItemType "directory" | Out-Null
  Write-Output "$path$name created."

function WaitForPrompt($prompt) {
  do {
    $value = Read-Host "$prompt ('y' to continue, Ctrl-C to quit)"
  while ($value -notmatch 'y')

function ListEnvironments() {
  $envFiles = @{ }
  $envFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path tf/* -Include *.tfvars | `
    Select-Object -Property Name

  $envFiles | ForEach-Object -Process {
    $_.Name = $_.Name.Substring(0, $_.Name.IndexOf("."))

  return $envFiles.Name | Select-Object -Unique

function RunTerraformCommands() {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

  terraform init -backend-config="tf/$tfEnv.beconf.tfvars" .\tf
  terraform $tfCommand `
    -var-file="tf\$tfEnv.tfvars" -var-file="tf\$tfEnv.secrets.tfvars" .\tf


if ($false -eq (IsValidCommand $command)) {
  Write-Error "Invalid command - currently supported commands are: `

  exit 1

if ($command -eq "list") {
  exit 0;

if ($null -eq $env) {
  Write-Output "'env' parameter is required, please provide an environment."
  exit 1

if ($command -eq "create") {
  if ($false -eq (DoesTFDirExist)) {

  Write-Output "$env environment created, please configure .tfvars files and `
    run the 'apply' command."

  exit 0

if ($false -eq (DoesTFDirExist)) {
  Write-Error "tf/ directory does not exist, ensure you are in the correct `
    project and the project has a tf/ directory."

  exit 1

if ($false -eq (DoesEnvExist) -and $env -ne "all") {
  Write-Error "Environment configuration '$env' doesn't exist (.beconf.tfvars, `
    .tfvars, and .secrets.tfvars). Ensure the environment is entered correctly."

  exit 1

if ($command -eq "delete") {
  Write-Output "$env environment deleted."
  exit 0

if ($env -eq "all") {
  ListEnvironments | ForEach-Object -Process { Write-Output "Perform tf for $_" }
else {
  RunTerraformCommands -tfCommand $command -tfEnv $env