#Requires -Modules Pester . $PSScriptRoot\TestHelper.ps1 $module = 'testing' $sut = 'Import-ModuleFromPath' $path = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent Get-Module -Name $module -All | Remove-Module -Force Import-Module $path -Force -ErrorAction Stop Describe "'$sut' tests with valid module folder" { $modulePath = New-TestModule 'mymodule' Mock -CommandName Remove-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Import-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } It "should not throw error" { { & $sut -Path $modulePath } | Should Not Throw } Context "With loaded module" { # Simulate module has already been loaded Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { New-Object -TypeName PSModuleInfo -ArgumentList $false } & $sut -Path $modulePath It "Remove-Module should be called" { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-Module -Exactly 1 -ModuleName $module -Scope Context } It "Import-Module should be called" { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-Module -Exactly 1 -ModuleName $module -Scope Context } } Context "With module not loaded" { # Simulate no module has been loaded Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } & $sut -Path $modulePath It "Remove-Module should not be called" { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-Module -Exactly 0 -ModuleName $module -Scope Context } It "Import-Module should be called" { Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-Module -Exactly 1 -ModuleName $module -Scope Context } } } Describe "'$sut' tests with no corresponding psm1 file" { # Only create folder without module file $modulePath = New-Item -Path "${TestDrive}\module" -ItemType Directory Mock -CommandName Remove-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } It "should throw error" { { & $sut -Path $modulePath } | Should Throw } } Describe "'$sut' tests with invalid path" { $modulePath = "C:\path\does\not\exist" It "Should not exist the module" { $modulePath | Should not exist } It "should throw error" { { & $sut -Path $modulePath } | Should Throw } } <# Idea of the following tests: When the SUT gets invoked without a Path parameter using the Parent switch, the Path gets determinded by analyzing the PSCallStack. To get a valid CallStack the invocation of the SUT gets written into a *.ps1 file on the $TestDrive. The created *.ps1 file will be used to call the SUT. #> Describe "'$sut' with Parent switch" { $modulePath = New-TestModule 'mymodule' # Create the file as it would be a pester tests file and write the file content into it $scriptPath = New-TestScript ` -Path "${modulePath}\tests\Invoke-SutWithoutPath.Tests.ps1" ` -Content "$sut -Parent" Mock -CommandName Remove-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Import-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ModuleName $module -MockWith { } It "Should exist the test script" { $scriptPath | Should exist } It "should identify the path when location is set" { # invoke the command from the created script & $scriptPath Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Import-Module -Exactly 1 ` -ModuleName $module -Scope It -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq $modulePath} } } Describe "'$sut' with real module structure" { $modulePath = New-TestModule 'mymodule' AfterEach { Get-Module 'mymodule' -All | Remove-Module } Context "Calling $sut using absolute path" { $scriptPath = New-TestScript -Path "${modulePath}\Some.Tests.ps1" ` -Content "$sut $modulePath" It "should load module" { & $scriptPath Get-Module 'mymodule' -All | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } } Context "Calling $sut using relative path" { $currentLocation = Get-Location $scriptPath = New-TestScript -Path "${modulePath}\Some.Tests.ps1" ` -Content "$sut ..\mymodule" It "should load module when at correct location" { Set-Location -Path $modulePath & $scriptPath Get-Module 'mymodule' -All | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } It "should throw when at wrong location" { Set-Location -Path (Split-Path $modulePath -Parent) { & $scriptPath } | Should throw } Set-Location $currentLocation } Context "Calling $sut using '.' for Path parameter" { $currentLocation = Get-Location $scriptPath = New-TestScript -Path "${modulePath}\Some.Tests.ps1" ` -Content "$sut ." It "should load module" { Set-Location -Path $modulePath & $scriptPath Get-Module 'mymodule' -All | Should not BeNullOrEmpty } Set-Location $currentLocation } } |