
function Set-placeholderValue {
        Inject values from a table into tagged placeholders in json files.
        Inject values from a table into tagged placeholders in json files.
    .PARAMETER jsonFile
        The json template to process.
    .PARAMETER buildValues
        Values table from which to populate json files.
        System.IO.FileInfo. Target json placeholder file.
        $jsonFiles | Set-placeholderValue -buildValues $buildValues
        Inject values from $buildValues table into placeholders in $jsonFiles.
        01 Alistair McNair Initial version.



    begin {

        Write-Verbose ("Function start.")

    } # begin

    process {

        Write-Verbose ("Processing JSON file " + $jsonFile.fullname)

        ## Determine function name and sequence ID
        $functionName = $"$")[1].split(".")[0]
        $sequenceID = $"$")[0]

        Write-Verbose ("Function name is " + $functionName)
        Write-Verbose ("Stage ID is " + $sequenceID)

        ## Configure return object
        $jsonStage = [pscustomobject]@{"Function" = $functionName; "SequenceID" = $sequenceID; "Objects" = @()}

        ## Insert placeholder values to this object
        $json = Get-Content -Path $jsonFile.FullName

        $newJSON = @()

        ## Iterate through each row and replace placeholders with values
        $i = 1

        foreach ($row in $json) {

            Write-Verbose ("Processing row number " + $i)

            ## Set regex to catch value from tags
            $tagPattern =  '(?i)<@@[^>]*>(.*)</@@>'

            ## Apply regex to get value from tag on this row
            $result = [Regex]::Match($row, $tagPattern)

            ## If a tag was found on this line, find metadata value
            if ($result.Success) {

                Write-Verbose ("Placeholder tag detected at row " + $i)

                ## Tag has been found, retreive a value
                $metaValue = ($buildValues | Where-Object {$_.key -eq $result.Groups[1].value}).value

                Write-Verbose ("Value " + $metaValue + " will be injected.")

                if ($metaValue) {
                    Write-Verbose ("Metadata placeholder " + $result.Groups[1].value + " has been populated with value " + $metaValue)
                } # if
                else {
                    throw ("Placeholder " + $result.Groups[1].value + " from JSON file " + $jsonFile.FullName + " could not be found in values table.")
                } # else

                ## Insert this value into the string
                $row = $row -replace $result.Groups[0].value,$metaValue

            } # if
            else {
                Write-Verbose ("No placeholder tag found at this row.")

            } # else

            ## Append row to new JSON
            $newJSON += $row

            ## Increment counter

        } # foreach

        try {
            ## Apply JSON escape character to \
            $newJSON = $newJSON.Replace("\","\\")
            $jsonStage.Objects += $newJSON | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
        } # try
        catch {
            Write-Debug ("Failed to add stage object.")
            throw ("Failed to add stage object. The CMDlet returned: " + $_.exception.message)
        } # catch

        Write-Verbose ("Finished processing JSON file.")

        return $jsonStage

    } # process

    end {

        Write-Verbose ("Function complete.")
    } # end

} # function