function Get-buildValues { <# .SYNOPSIS Analyse a build workflow, perform necessary validation and return values. .DESCRIPTION Analyse a build workflow, perform necessary validation and return values. Performs the following actions: * Resolves DML paths and verifies media SHA256. * Resolves credential paths and verifies supplied encryption key. * Tests all other metadata items using their respective type using Test-metaData Returns a completed values table if all tests pass. .PARAMETER buildPath Full path to the specified build to process. .PARAMETER dmlCSV Full path to the DML CSV to use. .PARAMETER dmlCSV Full path to the DML CSV to use. .PARAMETER credentialStore Full path to credential store to use with the specified build. .PARAMETER credentialKeyFile The AES encryption key file to use with the credential store. .PARAMETER skipMediaValidation Skip media validation (not receommended). Optional. .INPUTS System.String. The build path to process. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject. Completed build values. .EXAMPLE Get-buildValues -buildPath C:\StackBuild\Builds\vsan-large-67\ -dmlCSV C:\DML\dmlContents.csv -credentialStore C:\StackBuild\Credentials\ -credentialKeyFile C:\StackBuild\aesKey.key Verify the build vsan-large-67 and return values. .EXAMPLE Get-buildValues -buildPath C:\StackBuild\Builds\vsan-large-67\ -dmlCSV C:\DML\dmlContents.csv -credentialStore C:\StackBuild\Credentials\ -credentialKeyFile C:\StackBuild\aesKey.key -skipMediaValidation Verify the build vsan-large-67 and return values. Skip media validation. .LINK .NOTES 01 27/05/20 Initial version. A McNair #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String]$buildPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [String]$dmlCSV, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [String]$credentialStore, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [String]$credentialKeyFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false)] [switch]$skipMediaValidation ) begin { Write-Verbose ("Function start.") } # begin process { Write-Verbose ("Processing build at " + $buildPath) ## Strip trailing \ from build path, if specified $buildPath = $buildPath.Trim("\") ## Strip trailing \ from credential store path, if specified $credentialStore = $credentialStore.Trim("\") ## Import values table from CSVs Write-Verbose ("Opening workflow value files.") try { $buildValues = (Get-ChildItem -Path ($buildPath + "\values") -ErrorAction Stop).FullName | Import-Csv -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Opened files.") } # try catch { Write-Debug ("The specified values file could not be imported.") throw ("Failed to import values from " + $buildPath + ". " + $_.exception.message) } # catch ## Check there is at least 1 row in the file if (($buildValues | Measure-Object).Count -lt 1) { throw("No content found within values.csv.") } # if ## Import DML from CSV Write-Verbose ("Importing DML index CSV.") try { $dmlIndex = Import-Csv -Path $dmlCSV -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Opened DML index file.") } # try catch { Write-Debug ("DML import failed.") throw ("The specified DML index file could not be imported. The CMDlet returned: " + $_.exception.message) } # catch ## Resolve out paths to DML items Write-Verbose ("Resolving paths to DML items in values table.") foreach ($buildValue in $buildValues | Where-Object {$_.dataType -eq "DML"}) { $dmlItem = $dmlIndex | Where-Object {$_.itemNumber -eq $buildValue.value} ## Check there was a DML item found if (!$dmlItem) { throw ("Failed to find entry for DML " + $buildValue.value + " in DML index " + $dmlCSV) } # if Write-Verbose ("Found DML entry for item number " + $buildValue.value) ## Escape out \ characters for JSON $buildValue.value = ((Split-Path -Path $dmlCSV -parent) +"\" + $dmlItem.path)#.replace("\","\\") $buildValue.dataType = "folderPath" ## Skip media validation if specified if (!$skipMediaValidation) { Write-Verbose ("Validating SHA256 for " + $buildValue.value) ## Validate SHA256 of item try { $fileSHA = Get-FileHash -Path $buildValue.value -Algorithm SHA256 -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Got SHA256 value.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to get SHA256 value. " + $_.exception.message) } # catch if ($dmlItem.sha256 -ne $fileSHA.Hash) { throw ("DML item + "+ $buildValue.value + " failed SHA256 validation.") } # if Write-Verbose ($buildValue.value + " passed validation.") } # if } # foreach Write-Verbose ("Completed processing DML items.") ## Test credential items. This proves the file can be imported and the AES key works. Write-Verbose ("Testing credential items.") foreach ($buildValue in $buildValues | Where-Object {$_.dataType -eq "Credential"}) { $buildValue.Value = ($credentialStore + "\" + $buildValue.value) Write-Verbose ("Credential item at " + $buildValue.Value + " added.") ## Skip credential validation if specified if (!$skipMediaValidation) { try { Import-Credential -inputFile $buildValue.Value -aesKey $credentialKeyFile -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null Write-Verbose ("Credential imported successfully.") } # try catch { throw ("Failed to import credential. " + $_.exception.message) } # catch } # if } # foreach Write-Verbose ("Credential tests complete.") if (!$skipMediaValidation) { ## Test metadata in values table Write-Verbose ("Start metadata testing.") ## Start metadata validation on values.csv try { $results = $buildValues | Where-Object {$_.dataType -ne "Credential"} | Test-metaData -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose ("Completed metadata testing.") } # try catch { Write-Debug ("Failed to test metadata.") Throw ("Failed to test metadata. " + $_.exception.message) } # catch ## Report on what has failed validation, if anything if ($results | Where-Object {!$_.isValid}) { throw ("Some metadata items did not pass validation.") } # if } # if return $buildValues } # process end { Write-Verbose ("Function complete.") } # end } # function |