function GetFreeSpace { Param ( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, [string]$Database, [string]$FileGroupName ) begin { $sql = (GetSQLFileContent -fileName "GetFreeSpace.sql") -f $Database [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]$connection = New-DBSQLConnection @SqlCmdArguments } process { $connection.Open() $params = @() $params += (New-DBSqlParameter -name "@FileGroupName" -type VarChar -size 1000 -value $FileGroupName) $dataset = Invoke-DBDataSetQuery -conn $connection -sql $sql -parameters $params return $dataset.Tables | Select-Object -First 1 } end { if ($connection) { $connection.Dispose() } } } function PerformFileOperation { Param ( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, [string]$sql ) # A t-log backup could be occurring which would cause this script to break, so lets pause for a bit to try again, if we get that specific error # $tryAgain = $false $tryAgainCount = 0 $sleep = 15 [int]$tryAgainCountMax = (300 / $sleep) # 300 (seconds) == 5 minutes wait, unless it succeeds do { $tryAgain = $false try { Write-Verbose "$sql" Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query $sql } catch { $msg = $_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message if (++$tryAgainCount -lt $tryAgainCountMax -and $msg -imatch "Backup,\s+file\s+manipulation\s+operations\s+\(such\s+as .*?\)\s+and\s+encryption\s+changes\s+on\s+a\s+database\s+must\s+be\s+serialized\.") { Write-Warning "BACKUP SERIALIZATION ERROR, PAUSING FOR ($sleep) SECONDS, AND TRYING AGAIN. TRY: $($tryAgainCount + 1)" $tryAgain = $true Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep } else { # not the exception about a backup blocking us, or we are out of retries, so bail throw } } } while ($tryAgain) } function MoveIndexes { Param ( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, $db, [string]$fromFG, [string]$toFG, [string]$indicator, [int]$timeout ) # using sql to scan for the indexes to move instead of scanning SMO, as SMO is very, very slow scanning the tables # especially if some of the tables do not have indexes in the fromFG $sql = (GetSQLFileContent -fileName "GetIndexes.sql") -f ($db.Name), $fromFG Write-Verbose $sql $indexes = Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query $sql -QueryTimeout $timeout $indexCounter = 0 $indexCountTotal = $indexes.Count $activity = "MOVING ($indexCountTotal) INDEXES FROM FILEGROUP [$fromFG] TO FILEGROUP [$toFG] FOR DATABASE: [$($db.Name)]" Write-InformationColorized "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] $activity" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($tbl in ($indexes | Group-Object -Property schema_name,object_name)) { $table = $db.Tables.Item($tbl.Group[0].object_name, $tbl.Group[0].schema_name) $tableName = "[$($table.Schema)].[$($table.Name)]" Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] `tTABLE: $tableName $indicator" # the table is a heap so we have to basically create a non-unique clustered index to move it..... then drop the index if (-not $table.HasClusteredIndex) { $firstColumn = $table.Columns | Select-Object -First 1 $indexName = "PK_$([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("N"))" $sql = "CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX $indexName ON $tableName ($($firstColumn.Name)) WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE) ON [$toFG]; DROP INDEX $indexName ON $tableName" Write-Verbose "$sql" Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $timeout } foreach ($index in $table.Indexes) { if ($index.FileGroup -ieq $fromFG) { $indexCounter++ Write-Progress -Activity $activity ` -Status “Moving index $indexCounter of $indexCountTotal [$($index.Name)] ” ` -PercentComplete (([decimal]$indexCounter / [decimal]$indexCountTotal) * 100.00) Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] `t`tINDEX: [$($index.Name)] ($indexCounter of $indexCountTotal)" # set the new FileGroup, and the DropExistingIndex property so the script will generate properly $index.FileGroup = $toFG $index.DropExistingIndex = $true $sql = $index.Script() Write-Verbose "$sql" Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $timeout } } } Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed Write-InformationColorized "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] FINISHED $activity" -ForegroundColor Green } function ShrinkFile { Param ( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, [string] $fileName, [int]$size, [int]$targetSizeMB = 5, [int]$timeout, [int]$ShrinkIncrementMB = 0 ) # shrink N-gb at a a time [int]$shrinkIncrement = $ShrinkIncrementMB if ($shrinkIncrement -lt 50 -or $shrinkIncrement -gt 10000) { $factor = 0.33 switch ($size) { {$_ -le 50000 } { $factor = $factor * [Math]::Pow($factor, 1) } {$_ -gt 50000 -and $_ -le 500000 } { $factor = $factor * [Math]::Pow($factor, 2) } {$_ -gt 500000 -and $_ -le 5000000 } { $factor = $factor * [Math]::Pow($factor, 3) } {$_ -gt 5000000 -and $_ -le 50000000 } { $factor = $factor * [Math]::Pow($factor, 4) } default { $factor = $factor * [Math]::Pow($factor, 5) } } $shrinkIncrement = [int]($size * $factor) Write-Verbose "Shrink increment is: $shrinkIncrement MB" } # set our target size to % of the original, to reduce file growths needed. $targetSize = [Math]::Max(5, $targetSizeMB * 0.75) [int]$loops = (($size - $targetSize) / $shrinkIncrement) + 1 $counter = 0 Write-InformationColorized "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] SHRINKING FILE $fileName FROM SIZE $size MB to $targetSize MB INCREMENTALLY BY $shrinkIncrement MB" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-InformationColorized "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SHRINKS: $loops" -ForegroundColor Yellow $rawsql = "DBCC SHRINKFILE([$fileName], {0}) WITH NO_INFOMSGS;" for($x = $size; $x -ge $targetSize; $x -= $shrinkIncrement) { $sql = $rawsql -f $x $counter++; Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] PERFORMING SHRINK ($counter of $loops) : $sql" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $timeout } $size = $x + $shrinkIncrement if ($size -gt $targetSize) { $sql = $rawsql -f $targetSize Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] PERFORMING FINAL SHRINK: $sql" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $shrinkTimeOut } } function AdjustRecoveryModels { Param( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, [string[]]$Databases, [System.Collections.HashTable]$recoveryModels, [string]$TargetRecoveryModel ) foreach($Database in $Databases) { $SqlCmdArguments.Database = $Database $db = $server.Databases[$Database] if ($db.Name -ne $Database) { Write-Warning "Can't find the database [$Database] in '$($SqlCmdArguments.ServerInstance)'" continue }; # record the models the first time around, so that we can reset them when everything is done if (-not ($recoveryModels.ContainsKey($Database))) { $model = $db.RecoveryModel -replace "BulkLogged", "BULK_LOGGED" $recoveryModels.Add($Database, $model) } <# # ADJUST THE RECOVERY IF REQUESTED, IF WE ARE ALREADY NOT IN SIMPLE #> if ( $recoveryModels[$Database] -ine "SIMPLE" ) { if (-not $TargetRecoveryModel) { $TargetRecoveryModel = $recoveryModels[$Database] } Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] SETTING RECOVERY FOR DATABASE [$Database] TO $TargetRecoveryModel" $sql = "ALTER DATABASE [$Database] SET RECOVERY $TargetRecoveryModel" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" } } return $recoveryModels } function StopTLogBackupJob { Param( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, [string]$TLogBackupJobName ) # lets disable the job. We must ensure to re-enable it at the end $sql = "EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_update_job @job_name = N'$TLogBackupJobName', @enabled = 0 ;" Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] DISABLING JOB [$TLogBackupJobName]" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -query $sql # now, lets wait a bit so that if the job is running we can let it finish up $sql = (GetSQLFileContent -fileName "WaitForTsqlAgentJobToStop.sql" ) -f $TLogBackupJobName Write-Verbose $sql Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] WAITING FOR JOB [$TLogBackupJobName] TO STOP" Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -query $sql } function RemoveTempFileGroupAndFile{ Param( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, [int]$shrinkTimeOut ) # there have been occasions when an error occurred saying the file was not empty, until an empty file was issued. even though all of the indexes had been moved back $sql = "DBCC SHRINKFILE(SHRINK_DATA_TEMP, 'EMPTYFILE') WITH NO_INFOMSGS;" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $shrinkTimeOut Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] REMOVING SHRINK_DATA_TEMP FG AND FILE" $sql = (GetSQLFileContent -fileName "RemoveShrinkTempObjects.sql") -f ($SqlCmdArguments.Database) PerformFileOperation -SqlCmdArguments $SqlCmdArguments -sql "$sql" } function AddTempFileGroupAndFile { Param( [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments, $OriginalFile, $NewFileName, [int]$Size ) Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] CREATING FG SHRINK_DATA_TEMP" $sql = (GetSQLFileContent -fileName "AddShrinkTempObjects.sql") -f $Database, $NewFileName, $Size, ($OriginalFile.Growth), ($OriginalFile.GrowthType) try { PerformFileOperation -SqlCmdArguments $SqlCmdArguments -sql "$sql" } catch { Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message continue } } function CreateNewDirectory { Param ( [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$NewFileDirectory, [System.Collections.HashTable]$SqlCmdArguments ) if (([Uri]$NewFileDirectory.FullName).IsUnc) { if (-not $NewFileDirectory.Exists) { New-Item $NewFileDirectory.FullName -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } } else { try { # create the directory on the sql server if it does not exist. has no effect if the directory is already created. Throws an exception if the path is invalid, usually the drive $sql = "EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_create_subdir '$($NewFileDirectory.FullName)'" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -query $sql } catch { throw exit 1 } } } |