function New-DBSqlConnection { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a SqlConnection .DESCRIPTION Creates a SqlConnection .PARAMETER ServerInstance Specifies the database server hostname. .PARAMETER Database Specifies the name of the database. .PARAMETER Credentials Specifies credentials to connect to the database with. If not supplied then a trusted connection will be used. .PARAMETER MultipleActiveResultSets When true, an application can maintain multiple active result sets (MARS). When false, an application must process or cancel all result sets from one batch before it can execute any other batch on that connection. .PARAMETER ApplicationIntent Specifies a value for ApplicationIntent. Possible values are ReadWrite and ReadOnly. .PARAMETER ConnectTimeout Gets or sets the length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating an error. .PARAMETER ApplicationName The application name that will be supplied to the connection. .OUTPUTS The SqlConnection object .EXAMPLE PS> $connection = New-DBSQLConnection .LINK .NOTES Author: Tim Cartwright #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification='Not needed')] [OutputType([System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Database, [pscredential]$Credentials, [switch]$MultipleActiveResultSets, [ValidateSet("ReadWrite", "ReadOnly")] [string]$ApplicationIntent = "ReadWrite", [int]$ConnectTimeout, [string]$ApplicationName = "tcdbtools" ) begin { } process { # in powershell you cannot use the property names of the builder, you have to use the dictionary keys $builder = [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder]::new() # $builder.Keys | Sort-Object $builder["Data Source"] = $ServerInstance $builder["Initial Catalog"] = $Database $builder["Application Name"] = $ApplicationName $builder["Integrated Security"] = -not $Credentials $builder["ApplicationIntent"] = $ApplicationIntent if ($MultipleActiveResultSets.IsPresent) { $builder["MultipleActiveResultSets"] = $true } if ($ConnectTimeout) { $builder["Connect Timeout"] = $ConnectTimeout } $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($builder.ConnectionString); if ($Credentials) { $connection.Credential = $Credentials } } end { return $connection } } |