# # this type is used for the parameters for the Invoke-DBSqlAgentScripter function # Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" # [System.Flags] # public enum SQLAgentScripterOptions { # Alerts = 1, # Operators = 2, # OperatorCategories = 4, # Jobs = 8, # JobCategories = 16, # All = Alerts | Operators | OperatorCategories | Jobs | JobCategories # } # "@ # [Flags()] enum SQLAgentScripterOptions { # Alerts = 1 # Operators = 2 # OperatorCategories = 4 # Jobs = 8 # JobCategories = 16 # All = (Alerts -bor Operators -bor OperatorCategories -bor Jobs -bor JobCategories) # } [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", '', Scope="Function", Target="*")] $modifyAgentScript = { Param( [string]$createScript, [string]$objectName, [switch]$DoNotScriptJobDrop, [switch]$DoNotGenerateForSqlCmd, [string]$scriptHeaderReplaceRegex, [string]$scriptHeaderReplace ) # if we are generating the job for sql cmd we need to replace any dollar signs with our own custom $ token # AND if the script contains a $ in the first place if (!$DoNotGenerateForSqlCmd.IsPresent -and $createScript.Contains("`$")) { $createScript = ":setvar dollar `"`$`"`r`n$($createScript -replace "\`$", "`$(dollar)")" } return $createScript; } [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", '', Scope="Function", Target="*")] $modifyAgentJobScript = { Param( [string]$createScript, [string]$objectName, [switch]$DoNotScriptJobDrop, [switch]$DoNotGenerateForSqlCmd, [string]$scriptHeaderReplaceRegex, [string]$scriptHeaderReplace ) #only add the drop statements if they want us to if (!$DoNotScriptJobDrop.IsPresent) { $dropJobSql = ($scriptHeaderReplace -ireplace "<<job_name>>", $objectName) $createScript = $createScript -ireplace $scriptHeaderReplaceRegex, $dropJobSql } # if we are generating the job for sql cmd we need to replace any dollar signs with our own custom $ token # AND if the script contains a $ in the first place if (!$DoNotGenerateForSqlCmd.IsPresent -and $createScript.Contains("`$")) { $createScript = ":setvar dollar `"`$`"`r`n$($createScript -replace "\`$", "`$(dollar)")" } return $createScript; } function WriteAgentScriptFile { param ( $smoObject, [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions]$scriptOptions, [ScriptBlock]$modifyScriptBlock, [switch]$DoNotScriptJobDrop, [switch]$DoNotGenerateForSqlCmd, [string]$scriptHeaderReplaceRegex, [string]$scriptHeaderReplace ) $typeName = $smoObject.GetType().Name if ($typeName.EndsWith("y")) { $collectionName = "$($typeName.SubString(0, $typeName.Length -1))ies" } else { $collectionName = "$($typeName)s" } $validName = (ReplaceInvalidPathChars -str $smoObject.Name) try { $scriptFolder = [System.Io.Path]::Combine($outFolder, $collectionName) if (!(Test-Path $scriptFolder -PathType Container)) { New-Item $scriptFolder -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } Write-Information "Generating $($typeName): $validName.sql" if (!$scriptOptions) { $scriptOptions = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions } $script = "$($smoObject.Script($scriptOptions))`r`nGO`r`n" if ($modifyScriptBlock) { $script = &$modifyScriptBlock ` -createScript $script -objectName ($smoObject.Name) ` -DoNotScriptJobDrop:$DoNotScriptJobDrop.IsPresent ` -DoNotGenerateForSqlCmd:$DoNotGenerateForSqlCmd.IsPresent ` -scriptHeaderReplaceRegex $scriptHeaderReplaceRegex ` -scriptHeaderReplace $scriptHeaderReplace } $script | Out-File ([System.Io.Path]::Combine($scriptFolder, "$validName.sql")) -Force -Encoding ascii } catch { Write-Error "`tException writing $typeName ($validName):`r`n`t$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message)" continue } } |