function Find-DBValue { <# .SYNOPSIS Scans a database for a value. Returns all tables and columns that contain that value, as well as the value itself. .DESCRIPTION Scans a database for a value. Returns all tables and columns that contain that value, as well as the value itself. .PARAMETER ServerInstance The sql server instance to connect to. .PARAMETER Database Specifies the name of the database. .PARAMETER Credentials Specifies credentials to connect to the database with. If not supplied then a trusted connection will be used. .PARAMETER LookForValue The value to search for in the database. This string supports LIKE clause syntax. .PARAMETER LookForValueType The type of value being looked for. The valid values are "string" and "number". Use the appropriate one to scan the correct type of columns for the value you are looking for. Defaults to "string". .PARAMETER IncludeMaxWidthColumns Max width columns are not scanned by default unless this switch is enabled. .PARAMETER IncludeSchemas A list of schemas to include in the results. If not provided then all schemas will be returned. .PARAMETER ExcludeSchemas A list of schemas to exclude from the results. .PARAMETER IncludeTables A list of tables to include in the results. If not provided then all tables will be returned. .PARAMETER ExcludeTables A list of tables to exclude from the results. .PARAMETER MaxThreads The max number of threads to run sets of queries with. Defaults to 6. .OUTPUTS .NOTES More info on LIKE clause syntax: .EXAMPLE Scans all string columns in all user defined tables in the dbo schema for the value "%tim%" PS> Find-DBValue -ServerInstance "ServerName" -Database "DBName" -LookForValue "%tim%" -IncludeSchemas @("dbo") | Format-Table .LINK #> Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServerInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Database, [pscredential]$Credentials, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateLength(2, 256)] [string]$LookForValue, [ValidateSet("number", "string")] [string]$LookForValueType = "string", [switch]$IncludeMaxWidthColumns, [string[]]$IncludeSchemas, [string[]]$ExcludeSchemas, [string[]]$IncludeTables, [string[]]$ExcludeTables, [ValidateRange(1, 16)] [int]$MaxThreads = 6 ) begin { $ret = @() #$ret = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $connection = New-DBSQLConnection -ServerInstance $ServerInstance -Database $Database -Credentials $Credentials -MultipleActiveResultSets $jobPrefix = "Scan For Value" $RunspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaxThreads) $RunspacePool.Open() # $Jobs = @() $jobs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList } process { try { <# # FIND ALL THE POSSIBLE APPROPRIATE COLUMNS THAT COULD CONTAIN THE VALUE #> $connection.Open() $sql = (GetSQLFileContent -fileName "ScanForValueColumns.sql") $where = "" $parameters = @( (New-DBSqlParameter -name "lookFor" -type VarChar -size 256 -value $LookForValue), (New-DBSqlParameter -name "lookForType" -type VarChar -size 10 -value $LookForValueType), (New-DBSqlParameter -name "includeMaxLengthColumns" -type Bit -value $IncludeMaxWidthColumns.IsPresent) ) if ($IncludeSchemas) { $params = Get-DBInClauseParams -prefix "is" -values $IncludeSchemas -type NVarChar -size 256 $where += "`r`n`tAND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(t.object_id) IN ($(Get-DBInClauseString -parameters $params))" $parameters += $params } if ($ExcludeSchemas) { $params = Get-DBInClauseParams -prefix "es" -values $ExcludeSchemas -type NVarChar -size 256 $where += "`r`n`tAND OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(t.object_id) NOT IN ($(Get-DBInClauseString -parameters $params))" $parameters += $params } if ($IncludeTables) { $params = Get-DBInClauseParams -prefix "it" -values $IncludeTables -type NVarChar -size 256 $paramStr = Get-DBInClauseString -parameters $params -delimiter "), OBJECT_ID(" $paramStr = "OBJECT_ID($($paramStr))" $where += "`r`n`tAND t.object_id IN ($paramStr)" $parameters += $params } if ($ExcludeTables) { $params = Get-DBInClauseParams -prefix "et" -values $ExcludeTables -type NVarChar -size 256 $paramStr = Get-DBInClauseString -parameters $params -delimiter "), OBJECT_ID(" $paramStr = "OBJECT_ID($($paramStr))" $where += "`r`n`tAND t.object_id NOT IN ($paramStr)" $parameters += $params } $sql = $sql -ireplace "<<extra_where>>", $where $queryResults = Invoke-DBDataTableQuery -conn $connection -sql $sql -parameters $parameters <# # START THE JOBS USING CHUNKS OF THE RESULTS #> $skip = 0 $take = 10 $counter = 1 [int]$total = $queryResults.Rows.Count / $take if ($queryResults.Rows.Count % $take -gt 0) { $total++ } $activity = "Starting $($total) jobs" $takeResults = $queryResults | Select-Object -Skip $skip -First $take while ($takeResults) { $sql = $takeResults.Query -join "`r`n" # rip off the last union all $sql = "$($sql.SubString(0, $sql.Length - 10))" $parameters = @( (New-DBSqlParameter -name "lookFor" -type VarChar -size 256 -value $LookForValue) ) $jobName = "$jobPrefix - $counter" Write-Progress -Activity $activity ` -Status “Starting Job $jobName of $total” ` -PercentComplete (([decimal][Math]::Min($total, $counter) / [decimal]$total) * 100.00) $PowerShell = [powershell]::Create() $PowerShell.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool $PowerShell.AddScript($QueryTableScriptBlock).AddArgument($connection).AddArgument($sql).AddArgument($parameters) | Out-Null $Handle = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke() $temp = "" | Select-Object Name, PowerShell, Handle $temp.Name = $jobName $temp.PowerShell = $PowerShell $temp.Handle = $Handle $jobs.Add($temp) | Out-Null $counter++ $skip += $take $takeResults = $queryResults | Select-Object -Skip $skip -First $take } Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed <# # START SCANNING THE JOBS WAITING FOR THEM TO FINISH #> $counter = 0 $activity = "Waiting for $($total) jobs to finish" while ($Jobs.Handle.IsCompleted -contains $false) { $counter = ($Jobs | Where-Object { $_.Handle.IsCompleted }).Count Write-Progress -Activity $activity ` -Status “Job(s) $counter of $total done” ` -PercentComplete (([decimal][Math]::Min($total, $counter) / [decimal]$total) * 100.00) Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed <# # NOW GATHER THE RESULTS OF THE JOBS #> foreach($job in $jobs) { $result = $job.Powershell.EndInvoke($job.Handle) $job.Powershell.Dispose() if ($result) { $ret += $result } } return $ret | Sort-Object server_name, db_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name } finally { if ($connection) { $connection.Dispose() } } } end { if ($RunspacePool) { $RunspacePool.Dispose() } } } |