function GetFreeSpace($SqlCmdArguments, $Database, $FileGroupName) { $sql = " SELECT DB_NAME() AS [db_name], f.[name] AS [filegroup_name], df.[name] AS [file_name], fn.[size] AS current_size_mb, fn.[space_used] AS used_space_mb, fn.[size] - fn.[space_used] AS free_space_mb FROM [$Database].sys.database_files df INNER JOIN [$Database].sys.[filegroups] AS [f] ON [f].[data_space_id] = [df].[data_space_id] CROSS APPLY ( SELECT CAST(CAST(FILEPROPERTY(,'SpaceUsed') AS INT) / 128.0 AS INT) AS [space_used], CAST(df.[size] / 128.0 AS INT) AS [size] ) fn WHERE [df].[type_desc] = 'ROWS' AND [f].[name] IN (@FileGroupName, 'SHRINK_DATA_TEMP'); " [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]$connection = GetSQLConnection @SqlCmdArguments try { $connection.Open() [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand]$command = $connection.CreateCommand(); $command.CommandText = $sql $command.CommandType = "Text" [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter]$param = $command.CreateParameter() $param.ParameterName = "@FileGroupName"; $param.SqlDBtype = [System.Data.SqlDbType]::VarChar; $param.Size = 1000 $param.Direction = [System.Data.ParameterDirection]::Input; $param.value = $FileGroupName; Write-Verbose $sql $command.Parameters.Add($param) $dr = $command.ExecuteReader(); [System.Data.DataTable]$dt = New-Object System.Data.DataTable; $dt.load($dr) | Out-Null; } finally { if ($dr) { $dr.Dispose() } if ($command) { $command.Dispose() } if ($connection) { $connection.Dispose() } } return $dt } function PeformFileOperation($SqlCmdArguments, $sql) { # A t-log backup could be occuring which would cause this script to break, so lets pause for a bit to try again, if we get that specific error # $tryAgain = $false $tryAgainCount = 0 $sleep = 15 [int]$tryAgainCountMax = (300 / $sleep) # 300 (seconds) == 5 minutes wait, unless it succeeds do { $tryAgain = $false try { Write-Verbose "$sql" Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query $sql -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $msg = $_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message if (++$tryAgainCount -lt $tryAgainCountMax -and $msg -imatch "Backup,\s+file\s+manipulation\s+operations\s+\(such\s+as .*?\)\s+and\s+encryption\s+changes\s+on\s+a\s+database\s+must\s+be\s+serialized\.") { Write-Warning "BACKUP SERIALIZATION ERROR, PAUSING FOR ($sleep) SECONDS, AND TRYING AGAIN. TRY: $($tryAgainCount + 1)" $tryAgain = $true Start-Sleep -Seconds $sleep } else { # not the exception about a backup blocking us, or we are out of retries, so bail throw } } } while ($tryAgain) } function MoveIndexes ($SqlCmdArguments, $db, $fromFG, $toFG, $indicator, $timeout) { # using sql to scan for the indexes to move instead of scanning SMO, as SMO is very, very slow scanning the tables # especially if some of the tables do not have indexes in the fromFG $sql = " SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(i.[object_id]) AS [schema_name], OBJECT_NAME(i.[object_id]) AS [object_name] ,i.[index_id] ,i.[name] AS [index_name] ,i.[type_desc] AS [index_type] FROM [$($db.Name)].[sys].[indexes] i INNER JOIN [$($db.Name)].[sys].[filegroups] f ON f.[data_space_id] = i.[data_space_id] WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(i.[object_id], 'IsUserTable') = 1 AND [f].[name] = '$fromFG' ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(i.[object_id]) ,i.[index_id]" Write-Verbose $sql $indexes = Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query $sql -QueryTimeout $timeout $indexCounter = 0 $indexCountTotal = $indexes.Count $activity = "MOVING ($indexCountTotal) INDEXES FROM FILEGROUP [$fromFG] TO FILEGROUP [$toFG] FOR DATABASE: [$($db.Name)]" Write-InformationColored "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] $activity" -ForegroundColor Green foreach ($tbl in ($indexes | Group-Object -Property schema_name,object_name)) { $table = $db.Tables.Item($tbl.Group[0].object_name, $tbl.Group[0].schema_name) $tableName = "[$($table.Schema)].[$($table.Name)]" Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] `tTABLE: $tableName $indicator" # the table is a heap so we have to basically create a non-unique clustered index to move it..... then drop the index if (-not $table.HasClusteredIndex) { $firstColumn = $table.Columns | Select-Object -First 1 $indexName = "PK_$([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("N"))" $sql = "CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX $indexName ON $tableName ($($firstColumn.Name)) WITH (DATA_COMPRESSION = PAGE) ON [$toFG]; DROP INDEX $indexName ON $tableName" Write-Verbose "$sql" Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $timeout } foreach ($index in $table.Indexes) { if ($index.FileGroup -ieq $fromFG) { $indexCounter++ Write-Progress -Activity $activity ` -Status “Moving index $indexCounter of $indexCountTotal [$($index.Name)] ” ` -PercentComplete (([decimal]$indexCounter / [decimal]$indexCountTotal) * 100.00) Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] `t`tINDEX: [$($index.Name)] ($indexCounter of $indexCountTotal)" # set the new filegroup, and the dropexisting property so the script will generate properly $index.FileGroup = $toFG $index.DropExistingIndex = $true $sql = $index.Script() Write-Verbose "$sql" Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $timeout } } } Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed Write-InformationColored "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] FINISHED $activity" -ForegroundColor Green } function ShrinkFile($SqlCmdArguments, [string] $fileName, [int]$size, [int]$targetSizeMB = 5, [int]$timeout, [int]$ShrinkIncrementMB = 0) { # shrink N-gb at a a time [int]$shrinkIncrement = $ShrinkIncrementMB if ($shrinkIncrement -lt 50 -or $shrinkIncrement -gt 10000) { switch ($size) { {$_ -le 1000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 100 } {$_ -gt 1000 -and $_ -le 5000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 500 } {$_ -gt 5000 -and $_ -le 10000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 1000 } {$_ -gt 10000 -and $_ -le 50000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 2500 } {$_ -gt 50000 -and $_ -le 100000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 5000 } {$_ -gt 100000 -and $_ -le 500000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 7500 } {$_ -gt 500000 -and $_ -le 1000000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 10000 } {$_ -gt 1000000 } { $shrinkIncrement = 15000 } default { $shrinkIncrement = [int]($targetSizeMB * 0.1) } } } # set our target size to % of the original, to reduce file growths needed. $targetSize = [Math]::Max(5, $targetSizeMB * 0.75) $rawsql = "DBCC SHRINKFILE([$fileName], {0}) WITH NO_INFOMSGS;" for($x = $size; $x -ge $targetSize; $x -= $shrinkIncrement) { $sql = $rawsql -f $x Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] PERFORMING: $sql" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $timeout } $size = $x + $shrinkIncrement if ($size -gt $targetSize) { $sql = $rawsql -f $targetSize Write-Information "[$($sw.Elapsed.ToString($swFormat))] PERFORMING FINAL SHRINK: $sql" Write-Verbose $sql Invoke-Sqlcmd @SqlCmdArguments -Query "$sql" -QueryTimeout $shrinkTimeOut } } |