
function Invoke-DBCompareServerSettings {
            Compares all server settings for each intstance passed in to generate a report showing differences.
            Compares all server settings for each intstance passed in to generate a report showing differences.
        .PARAMETER ServerInstances
            The sql server instances to connect to and compare.
        .PARAMETER Credentials
            Specifies credentials to connect to the database with. If not supplied then a trusted connection will be used.
        .PARAMETER IgnoreVersionDifferences
            If a SQL Server does not support a particular setting because it is an older version then the value will be a dash: "-". If this switch is
            present, then any setting value with a dash will no be considers a difference.
            None. You cannot pipe objects to this script.
            A list of the servers and a comparison report.
            PS> .\Invoke-DBCompareServerSettings -ServerInstance "servername" -Databases "AdventureWorks2008","AdventureWorks2012" -SourceFileGroupName SHRINK_DATA_TEMP -TargetFileGroupName PRIMARY
            PS> .\Invoke-DBCompareServerSettings -ServerInstance "servername" -Databases "AdventureWorks2008","AdventureWorks2012" -UserName "" -Password "ilovelamp" -SourceFileGroupName PRIMARY -TargetFileGroupName SHRINK_DATA_TEMP
            Author: Tim Cartwright

    param (

    begin {
        $sqlCon = InitSqlConnection -ServerInstance $ServerInstances[0] -Credentials $Credentials
        $SqlCmdArguments = $sqlCon.SqlCmdArguments
        $list = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

        $compareServers =  $ServerInstances | ForEach-Object { ($_).ToUpper() }
        $query = "
    DECLARE @options TABLE ([name] nvarchar(35), [minimum] int, [maximum] int, [config_value] int, [run_value] int)
    DECLARE @optionsCheck TABLE([id] int NOT NULL IDENTITY, [setting_name] varchar(128))
    DECLARE @current_value INT;
    INSERT INTO @options ([name], [minimum], [maximum], [config_value], [run_value])
    EXEC sp_configure 'user_options';
    SELECT @current_value = [config_value] FROM @options;
    INSERT INTO @optionsCheck
    SELECT [name], [value]
    FROM sys.configurations c
        UNION ALL
    SELECT CONCAT(oc.[setting_name], ' (options)'),
        [server_option] = CASE WHEN (@current_value & fn.[value]) = fn.[value] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
    FROM @optionsCheck oc
        SELECT [value] = CASE WHEN > 1 THEN POWER(2, - 1) ELSE 1 END
    ) fn


    process {
        try {
            for ($i = 0; $i -le ($compareServers.Count - 1); $i++) {
                $srvrName = $compareServers[$i]
                $SqlCmdArguments.ServerInstance = $srvrName
                $results =  Invoke-SqlCmd @SqlCmdArguments -As DataRows -Query $query -ErrorAction Stop

                foreach ($r in $results) {
                    $setting = $list | Where-Object { $_.Name -ieq $r.Name }
                    if ($setting) {
                        $setting | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $srvrName -Value $r.Value
                    } else {
                        # the original list does not have this setting yet, so add it
                        $setting = [PSCustomObject] @{
                            NAME = $r.Name
                            DIFFS = ""
                        $list.Add($setting) | Out-Null
                        $setting | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $srvrName -Value $r.Value
        } catch {

        $list = $list | Sort-Object Name

        # add the missing settings for older servers that do not support some settings
        foreach ($item in $list) {
            foreach ( $srvr in $compareServers ) {
                if (-not (Get-Member -inputobject $item -name $srvr -Membertype Properties)) {
                    $item | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $srvr -Value "-"

        foreach($result in $list) {
            $isDiff = CompareSettings -setting $result -propertyNames $compareServers -IgnoreVersionDifferences:$IgnoreVersionDifferences.IsPresent
            $result.DIFFS = $isDiff


    end {
        return $list