function Get-ModuleConfig { [OutputType([hashtable])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $CommandPath ) try { # Recursively step back through the CommandPath to find the module path that contains the module manifest file and get the module base path and module name while (-not (Test-Path -Path $CommandPath -Filter '*.psd1')) { $ParentPath = Split-Path -Path $CommandPath -Parent if ($ParentPath -eq $CommandPath) { # Break the loop if the parent path is the same as the current path, # indicating that we've reached the root directory break } $CommandPath = $ParentPath } $ModulePath = $(Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $CommandPath -Parent) -Parent) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ModulePath)) { Write-Error "ModulePath is empty or null." throw } Write-Verbose "ModulePath: $ModulePath" $ModuleName = Get-ChildItem -Path $CommandPath -Filter "*.psd1" -File | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName Write-Verbose "ModuleName: $ModuleName" $UserPowerShellModuleConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $(Split-Path -Path $($env:PSModulePath -split ';' | ForEach-Object { if (($_ -match $([regex]::Escape($env:USERNAME))) -and ($_ -notmatch '\.')) { $_ } }) -Parent) -ChildPath 'Config' Write-Verbose "UserPowerShellModuleConfigPath: $UserPowerShellModuleConfigPath" $ModuleConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $UserPowerShellModuleConfigPath -ChildPath $ModuleName Write-Verbose "ModuleConfigPath: $ModuleConfigPath" $ModuleConfigFilePath = Join-Path -Path $ModuleConfigPath -ChildPath 'Module.Config.json' Write-Verbose "ModuleConfigFilePath: $ModuleConfigFilePath" $ConfigDefaultsPath = Join-Path -Path $(Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -ChildPath "\Config\Module.Defaults.json" Write-Verbose "ConfigDefaultsPath: $ConfigDefaultsPath" $DefaultConfig = Get-Content -Path $ConfigDefaultsPath | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Verbose "DefaultConfig: $DefaultConfig" } catch { Write-Error "CommandPath: $($CommandPath)`nError: `n$($_)`n Invocation $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)" return } # Test to see if module config JSON exists and create it if it doesn't if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ModuleConfigFilePath)) { $HashTable = @{} $DefaultConfig.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $HashTable[$_.Name] = $_.Value } $HashTable.Add('ModuleName', $ModuleName) $HashTable.Add('ModulePath', $ModulePath) $HashTable.Add('ModuleConfigPath', $ModuleConfigPath) $HashTable.Add('ModuleConfigFilePath', $ModuleConfigFilePath) Set-ModuleConfig @HashTable try { Get-ModuleConfig -CommandPath $CommandPath -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "CommandPath: $($CommandPath)`nError: `n$($_)`n Invocation $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName)" return } } else { $Config = Get-Content -Path $ModuleConfigFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json $DefaultConfig.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { if ($Config.PSObject.Properties.Name -notcontains $_.Name) { $Config | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value } } if ($Config.ModulePath -ne $ModulePath) { $Config.ModulePath = $ModulePath $Config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path $ModuleConfigFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false $Config = Get-Content -Path $ModuleConfigFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json } $HashTable = @{} $Config.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $HashTable[$_.Name] = $_.Value } $HashTable } } |