
    Import the given build scripts into the current runspace
    This script will import the tasks defined in the module, the users ~/.stitch directory, and the current project.
    Before importing, the script will check the 'ExcludeTasksOnImport' list, which is a list of regex to block from
    being imported by this script

    [string[]]$ExcludeScriptsOnImport = (
        Get-BuildProperty ExcludeScriptsOnImport @()

    [string]$InternalScriptPath  = "$PSScriptRoot\BuildScripts"

if ($null -eq $script:ImportErrors) {
    $script:ImportErrors = [ordered]@{}

#TODO: This function is a duplicate of Import-TaskFile, the only difference is that we are importing build scripts
# It should be combined into a single Import function that does task files then build scripts

# build scripts in the current project
$projectScripts = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

# build scripts in ~/.stitch
$systemScripts = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

# build scripts bundled with the stitch module
$moduleScripts = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

# Collated build scripts collection
$scriptFiles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

  Start with the bundled scripts

Write-Debug "`n<$('-' * 80)"
Write-Debug "Collecting Invoke-Build build scripts:"

if ($null -ne $InternalScriptPath) {
    if (Test-Path $InternalScriptPath) {
        Write-Debug " - Looking in the module's directory"
        $moduleScripts = $InternalScriptPath | Find-InvokeBuildScript
        if ($moduleScripts.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Debug " - Merging $($moduleScripts.Count) scripts"
              $moduleScripts | Merge-FileCollection ([ref]$scriptFiles)
} else {
    Write-Warning "Path to module task path is not set "
Layer on the system scripts

$systemPath = Find-LocalUserStitchDirectory
if ($null -ne $systemPath) {
    Write-Debug " - Looking in the system path $systemPath"
    $systemScripts = $systemPath | Find-InvokeBuildScript
} else {
    Write-Debug " - Did not find a local user stitch directory"

if ($systemScripts.Count -gt 0) {
    Write-Debug " - Merging $($systemScripts.Count) scripts"
    $systemScripts | Merge-FileCollection ([ref]$scriptFiles)

Layer on the project scripts

#! hopefully, BuildConfigPath is set by .build.ps1
if ($null -ne $BuildConfigPath) {
    Write-Debug "Looking in $BuildConfigPath"
    $projectScripts = $BuildConfigPath | Find-InvokeBuildScript
} else {
    Write-Debug "BuildConfigPath is not set. No build scripts loaded from project"

if ($projectScripts.Count -gt 0) {
    Write-Debug " - Merging $($projectScripts.Count) scripts"
    $projectScripts | Merge-FileCollection ([ref]$scriptFiles)

Write-Debug "Merged all build scripts."
Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)>"

  Now, Process the merged collection

Write-Debug "`n<$('-' * 80)"
Write-Debug "Importing $($scriptFiles.Count) build scripts"

:file foreach ($file in $scriptFiles) {
    #region Exclusions

    if (($null -ne $ExcludeScriptsOnImport) -and ($ExcludeScriptsOnImport.Count -gt 0)) {
        :exclude foreach ($exclude in $ExcludeScriptsOnImport) {
            # the filename matches at least one exclude, no need to keep checking
            if ($file.BaseName -match $exclude) {
                Write-Debug "$($file.BaseName) is excluded by pattern $exclude"
                #! do not import the script, go to the next file in the list
                continue file

    #endregion Exclusions

    try {
        Write-Debug " - $($file.Name)"
        . $file.FullName
        } catch {
             This rather long catch block is collecting the relavant error information,
             and passing it up to the $ImportErrors script variable.
             ! this is because the files are imported in the .build.ps1 file, but we want
             ! to report the errors after the logs have been initialized and the rest of
             ! the components have a chance to load.

             ! The errors are reported in Enter-Build

            $importScriptName = Get-Item $PSCommandPath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
            $message = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

            $errorException = $_.Exception

            If there were parse errors in the imported script, then there will be an 'Errors' entry for each

            if ($errorException.Errors.Count -gt 0) {
                # Format the first line of our processed error message
                if ($errorException.Errors.Count -eq 1) {
                    $null = $message.Append("There was an error trying to import $($file.Name)")
                } else {
                        $null = $message.Append("There where $($errorException.Errors.Count) errors trying to import $($file.Name)")
                $null = $message.AppendLine(": (")
                # Collect each of the parse errors and format them
                foreach ($importError in $errorException.Errors) {
                    $null = $message.AppendJoin(
                        " - ",
                    $null = $message.AppendLine( $importError.Extent.StartColumnNumber)
                    $null = $message.Append( ' - ')
                    $null = $message.AppendLine($importError.Message)
            If there aren't any Errors entries, then process the error record.

            } elseif ($errorException.ErrorRecord.Count -gt 0) {
                if ($errorException.ErrorRecord.Count -eq 1) {
                    $null = $message.AppendLine("There was an error trying to import $($file.Name)")
                } else {
                    $null = $message.AppendLine("There where $($errorException.ErrorRecord.Count) errors trying to import $($file.Name)")
                $null = $message.AppendLine(": (")
                foreach ($importError in $errorException.ErrorRecord) {
                    $null = $message.Append( ' - ')
                    $null = $message.AppendJoin(
                        ' - ',
                    $null = $message.AppendLine( $importError.InvocationInfo.Offset.InLine)

                    $null = $message.AppendLine($importError.Exception.Message)
                    # Add the position message, unless it just points to this script
                    if (-not($importError.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage -match [regex]::Escape($importScriptName))) {
                        $null = $message.AppendLine($importError.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)
            } else {
                $null = $message.AppendLine("There was an error trying to import $($file.Name)")
                $null = $message.AppendLine($_)
            Write-Debug "An error occured importing $($file.Name). $($message.ToString())"
            if ($null -ne $script:ImportErrors) {
                $script:ImportErrors.Add($file.Name,  $message.ToString())
            } else {
                Write-Debug "ImportErrors was not initialized"

    Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)>"