param( [Parameter()][string]$ProjectPSRepoName = ( Get-BuildProperty ProjectPSRepoName $BuildInfo.Project.Name ) ) #synopsis: Generate a nuget package from the files in Staging. task compress.nuget.package { logDebug "Looking for $ProjectPSRepoName before continuing" $psRepository = (Get-PSRepository | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $ProjectPSRepoName }) if ($null -ne $psRepository) { logInfo "$ProjectPSRepoName repository found" $BuildInfo | Foreach-Module { $config = $_ $name = $config.Name $manifestVersion = Get-Metadata -Path (Join-Path $config.Staging $config.ManifestFile) -PropertyName ModuleVersion logDebug "ManifestVersion is $manifestVersion" if ($null -ne $manifestVersion) { $existingPackages = Get-ChildItem -Path $Artifact -Filter "$name.$manifestVersion.nupkg" -Recurse if ($null -ne $existingPackages) { logWarn "$Artifact contains existing packages for $manifestVersion of $name" logInfo "Removing previous $manifestVersion packages" try { $existingPackages | Remove-Item } catch { throw "There was an error removing previous $manifestVersion packages of $name`n$_" } } } else { logInfo "Could not get the version for module $name" } logInfo "Creating nupkg file for $Name using PSRepository $ProjectPSRepoName" $options = @{ Path = $config.Staging Repository = $ProjectPSRepoName } Publish-Module @options } } else { logError "Could not find PSRepository $ProjectPSRepoName" } } |