function Import-PhaseDefinition { [CmdletBinding()] param( # Specifies a path to one or more locations. [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [Alias('PSPath')] [string[]]$Path ) begin { Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)`n-- Begin $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)`n$('-' * 80)" } process { if (Test-InInvokeBuild) { Write-Debug "Getting ready to Import phase definition file $Path" if (Test-Path $Path) { Write-Debug ' - File exists' $phaseItem = Get-Item $Path $phaseName = $phaseItem.BaseName Write-Debug " - Setting phase name to $phaseName" switch -Regex ($phaseItem.Extension) { '\.psd1' { #! Note we use the 'Unsafe' parameter so we can have scriptblocks and #! variables in our psd Write-Debug ' - Importing PSD' $phaseOptions = (Import-Psd -Path $phaseItem -Unsafe) } '\.y(a)?ml' { Write-Debug ' - Importing YAML' $phaseOptions = (Get-Content $phaseItem | ConvertFrom-Yaml -Ordered) } '\.json(c)?' { Write-Debug ' - Importing JSON' $phaseOptions = (Get-Content $phaseItem | ConvertFrom-Json) } default { Write-Debug "Could not determine the type for $($phaseItem.FullName)" } } if ($null -ne $phaseOptions) { Write-Debug 'Loaded phase options from file' if (${*}.All.Keys -contains $phaseName) { Write-Debug " - '$phaseName' phase found in list of all tasks" Write-Debug " - Updating object with options $($phaseOptions.Keys -join ', ')" Write-Debug " - Job count before: $(${*}.All[$phaseName].Jobs.Count)" Write-Verbose "Updating $phaseName from $($phaseItem.Name)" try { $null = ${*}.All[$phaseName] | Update-Object -UpdateObject $phaseOptions } catch { throw "There was an error updating phase $phaseName`n$_" } Write-Debug " - Job count after: $(${*}.All[$phaseName].Jobs.Count)" } else { Write-Debug " - $phaseName NOT found in list of all tasks" Write-Debug " - Creating object with options $($phaseOptions.Keys -join ', ')" Write-Verbose "Creating $phaseName from $($phaseItem.Name)" phase @phaseOptions } } } } } end { Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)`n-- End $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)`n$('-' * 80)" } } |