enum LogLevel { TRACE = 6 # currently unused DEBUG = 5 INFO = 4 WARN = 3 ERROR = 2 FATAL = 1 # currently unused } function Write-BuildLog { <# .SYNOPSIS Output a formatted log message to the console and/or a file .DESCRIPTION Output a formatted log message containing the date, time, severity level and descriptive text. Used by tasks to provide detailed logging of the build. Options for log messages are controlled by the parameter `Output` which sets the format, levels, style and location of information sent to the logs. Logging information sent to the console can be styled with colors while sending plain text to files. #> [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'dotnet' )] param( # The logging level of the message [Parameter( Position = 0 )][LogLevel]$Level, # The text of the log message. To send a formatted message, set the format fields # in the message and the replacement fields in Arguments # Write-BuildLog DEBUG -Message "The value of foo is {0}" -Arguments $foo [Parameter( Position = 1 )][string]$Message, # The PSStyle color to print the Message in [Parameter( )][string]$MessageColor = 'White', # The format to write the datetime in the log message using .Net format specifiers [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'dotnet' )][string]$TimestampFormat, # The format to write the datetime in the log message using UFormat specifiers [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'unix' )][string]$TimestampUFormat, # The PSStyle color to print the timestamp in [Parameter( )][string]$TimestampColor = 'White', # The PSStyle color to print the level label in [Parameter( )][string]$LabelColor = 'White', [Parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments )][array]$Arguments, # Optionally send the message (with arguments resolved) to the pipeline [Parameter( )][switch]$PassThru ) begin { Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)`n-- Begin $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)`n$('-' * 80)" <#------------------------------------------------------------------ If the Output variable is not present, set some very basic defaults so that the function still does it's job. ------------------------------------------------------------------#> if ([string]::IsNullorEmpty($Output)) { $Output = @{ Console = @{ Enabled = $true } File = @{ Enabled = $false } } } else { } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Timestamp if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TimestampFormat')) { $timestamp = (Get-Date -Format $TimestampFormat) } elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TimestampUFormat')) { $timestamp = (Get-Date -UFormat $TimestampUFormat) } else { $timestamp = (Get-Date -UFormat '%s') } #endregion Timestamp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Console format $consoleFormat = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder $null = $consoleFormat.Append('- ') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Timestamp style if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('TimestampColor')) { $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.$TimestampColor ) } elseif ($null -ne $Output.Timestamp.ForegroundColor) { $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.($Output.Timestamp.ForegroundColor) ) } else { #! The default is set in the parameter if it was not bound $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.$TimestampColor ) } $null = $consoleFormat.Append('{0,-10}:') $null = $consoleFormat.Append($PSStyle.Reset) $null = $consoleFormat.Append(' ') #endregion Timestamp style #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Label style if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('LabelColor')) { $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.$LabelColor ) } elseif ($null -ne $Output[[int]$Level].ForegroundColor) { $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.($Output[[int]$Level].ForegroundColor) ) } else { #! The default is set in the parameter if it was not bound $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.$LabelColor ) } $null = $consoleFormat.Append('[{1,-5}]') $null = $consoleFormat.Append($PSStyle.Reset) $null = $consoleFormat.Append(' ') #endregion Label style #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Message style if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MessageColor')) { $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.$MessageColor ) } elseif ($null -ne $Output.Console.Message.ForegroundColor) { $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.($Output.Console.Message.ForegroundColor) ) } else { #! The default is set in the parameter if it was not bound $null = $consoleFormat.Append( $PSStyle.Foreground.$MessageColor ) } $null = $consoleFormat.Append('{2}') $null = $consoleFormat.Append($PSStyle.Reset) #endregion Message style #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endregion Console format #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $fileFormat = '- {0,-10}: [{1,-5}] {2}' } process { #! this shouldn't happen because we set it in the begin block, but let's be safe if($null -ne $Output) { #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Message if (($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Arguments')) -and ($PSBoundParameters['Arguments'].Count -gt 0)) { $body = ($Message -f $Arguments) } else { $body = $Message } #endregion Message #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Console if ($Output.Console.Enabled) { $logMessage = ($consoleFormat.ToString() -f $timestamp, $Output[[int]$Level].Label, $body) [LogLevel]$configLevel = $Output.Console.Level if ($Output.ContainsKey($Task.Name)) { #! override the default for this task $configLevel = $Output[$Task.Name] } if ([int]$Level -le [int]$configLevel) { if ($GithubOutputEnabled) { if ($null -ne $env:GITHUB_CONTEXT) { switch ($Level) { DEBUG { Write-ActionDebug $logMessage } INFO { Write-ActionInfo $logMessage } WARN { Write-ActionWarning $logMessage } ERROR { Write-ActionError $logMessage } } } else { $logMessage } } else { $logMessage } } } #endregion Console #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region File if ($Output.File.Enabled) { $logMessage = $fileFormat -f $timestamp, $Output[[int]$Level].Label, $body [LogLevel]$configLevel = $Output.File.Level if ($Output.ContainsKey($Task.Name)) { #! override the default for this task $configLevel = $Output[$Task.Name] } if ([int]$Level -le [int]$configLevel) { if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogPath))) { if (Confirm-Path $LogPath) { if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LogFile))) { $BuildLog = (Join-Path $LogPath $LogFile) if (Confirm-Path $BuildLog -ItemType 'File') { $logMessage | Out-File $BuildLog -Force -Append -Encoding utf8 } } } } } } #endregion File #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } # Passthru allows other commands to use the message, like: # Write-BuildLog "The thing happened" -Passthru | Write-Warning if ($PassThru) { $body | Write-Output } } end { Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)`n-- End $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)`n$('-' * 80)" } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Wrapper functions function logDebug { param( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )][string]$Message, [Parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments )][array]$Arguments ) process { Write-BuildLog DEBUG @PSBoundParameters } } function logInfo { param( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )][string]$Message, [Parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments )][array]$Arguments ) process { Write-BuildLog INFO @PSBoundParameters } } function logWarn { param( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )][string]$Message, [Parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments )][array]$Arguments ) process { Write-BuildLog WARN @PSBoundParameters } } function logError { param( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )][string]$Message, [Parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments )][array]$Arguments ) process { Write-BuildLog ERROR @PSBoundParameters } } function logEnter { param( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )][string]$Message, [Parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments )][array]$Arguments ) process { #! override the default message color Write-BuildLog INFO @PSBoundParameters -LabelColor Cyan -MessageColor Cyan } } function logExit { param( [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )][string]$Message, [Parameter( ValueFromRemainingArguments )][array]$Arguments ) process { #! override the default message color Write-BuildLog INFO @PSBoundParameters -LabelColor Cyan -MessageColor Cyan } } #endregion Wrapper functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |