#synopsis: Output a tree view of the tasks with their synopsis task { <#------------------------------------------------------------------ "phases" is an arbitrary concept. If the task is defined as phase then we consider that to be "top-level" tasks. A phase can have any amount of subtasks, but the concept is that: - A phase defines a _process_ to be done - task is a unit of work - job an "atomic" unit of work. "do one thing" ------------------------------------------------------------------#> $all_tasks = @() foreach ($key in ${*}.All.Keys) { $task = ${*}.All[$key] $task | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Synopsis -NotePropertyValue (Get-BuildSynopsis $task) $task | Add-Member -NotePropertyName phase -NotePropertyValue (( $task.InvocationInfo.InvocationName -like 'phase' ) ? $true : $false) $task | Add-Member -NotePropertyName File -NotePropertyValue (Get-Item $task.InvocationInfo.ScriptName) $task | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Line -NotePropertyValue $task.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber $all_tasks += $task } logInfo "A total of $($all_tasks.Count) tasks" foreach ( $phase in ($all_tasks | Where-Object -Property phase -EQ $true)) { Write-Build DarkGreen "$($phase.Name) - $($phase.Synopsis)" foreach ($j in $phase.Jobs) { $job = $all_tasks | Where-Object -Property Name -Like $j if ($null -ne $job) { Write-Build White (' - {0,-48} {1}' -f "$($job.Name) ($($job.File.BaseName -replace '\.build$', ''):$($job.Line))", $job.Synopsis) } } Write-Build White '' } } |