param( [Parameter()][string]$ManifestVersionField = ( property ManifestVersionField 'MajorMinorPatch' ) ) #synopsis: Update the version in the source module task set.manifest.version { $BuildInfo | Foreach-Module { $config = $_ $name = $config.Name $manifestFile = (Join-Path $config.Source $config.ManifestFile) $manifestObject = Import-Psd $manifestFile $previousVersion = [version]$manifestObject.ModuleVersion $currentVersion = [version]$BuildInfo.Project.Version[$ManifestVersionField] if ($null -eq $currentVersion) { throw 'The current version of the project is not set' } if ($null -eq $previousVersion) { throw "Could not read the version information in $manifestFile" } if ($currentVersion -le $previousVersion) { logInfo "$name already at $previousVersion when trying to set version $currentVersion" } else { logInfo "Updating source module from $previousVersion to $currentVersion" $options = @{ Path = $manifestFile PropertyName = 'ModuleVersion' Value = $currentVersion } try { Update-Metadata @options } catch { throw (logError "Could not update version in $manifestFile`n$_" -PassThru) } } } } |