.SYNOPSIS Runs at the start of the build #> Enter-Build { Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)`n-- Begin Enter-Build`n$('-' * 80)" foreach ($taskToRun in $BuildTask) { if ($taskToRun -match '^diag') { $Output.Console.Enabled = $false $Output.File.Enabled = $false $SkipBuildHeader = $true $SkipLogo = $true } } $mod = Get-InstalledModule GitHubActions -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne $mod) { $GithubOutputEnabled = $true } else { $GithubOutputEnabled = $false } Invoke-OutputHook 'EnterBuild' 'Before' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Header if ((-not($SkipBuildHeader)) -or ($WhatIf)) { if (-not($SkipLogo)) { Write-StitchLogo } logEnter "$('#' * 80)" logEnter "# $stitchEmoji stitch (version $($stitchModule.Version))" logEnter "# loaded from $(Resolve-Path $stitchModule.Path -Relative)" logEnter "$('#' * 80)" } #endregion Header #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Handle import errors $importErrorCount = $script:ImportErrors.Keys.Count if ($importErrorCount -gt 0) { $errorLogMessage = @() $errorLogMessage += ('-' * 80) $errorLogMessage += "There were errors during the import of tasks:" foreach ($importError in $script:ImportErrors.GetEnumerator()) { $errorLogMessage += (@( "-- ", $importError.Name, ": (`n", $importError.Value, ")" ) -join '') } $errorLogMessage += ('-' * 80) logError ($errorLogMessage -join "`n") } Remove-Variable errorLogMessage, ImportErrors -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #endregion Handle import errors #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Build Configuration Information logInfo "Using build profile: $($BuildProfile ?? 'none')" logInfo "Configuration directory: $BuildConfigPath" logInfo "Gathering Build Configuration data" $buildOptions = @{ Path = $BuildRoot ConfigurationFiles = (Join-Path $BuildConfigPath 'config') Source = $Source Tests = $Tests Artifact = $Artifact Staging = $Staging Docs = $Docs } try { $BuildInfo = Get-BuildConfiguration @buildOptions } catch { logError "There was an error gathering build configuration data" logError $_.ToString() logError $_.ScriptStackTrace $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } logInfo "Build Configuration loaded. Found $($BuildInfo.Modules.Count) Modules in Project: $($BuildInfo.Project.Name)" #endregion Build Configuration Information #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logEnter ('-' * 80) logEnter "Beginning execution of tasks. Tasks to be run:" # BuildTask is defined by Invoke-Build. It is the Tasks defined on the command line foreach ($taskToRun in $BuildTask) { $taskObject = $taskToRun | Get-BuildTask logEnter ('{0,-32} : {1}' -f $taskToRun, $taskObject.Synopsis) foreach ($job in $taskObject.Jobs) { $jobObject = $job | Get-BuildTask if ($job -is [scriptblock]) { logEnter (' - {0,-32} : {1}' -f '{ }', 'scriptblock') } else { logEnter (' - {0,-32} : {1}' -f $job, $jobObject.Synopsis) } } } logEnter ('-' * 80) Invoke-OutputHook 'EnterBuild' 'After' Write-Debug "`n$('-' * 80)`n-- End Enter-Build`n$('-' * 80)" } |