.SYNOPSIS Add a replace keyword that replaces the given token in the file with a new string .EXAMPLE replace update.readme.version '^Version: \d+\.\d+\.\d+ "Version: $($BuildInfo.Version.MajorMinorPatch)" '' #> Set-Alias replace Add-ReplaceTask function Add-ReplaceTask { [CmdletBinding()] param( # Name of the task [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0 )] [string]$Name, # The token to replace, written as a regular-expression [Parameter( Position = 1, Mandatory )] [string]$Token, # The value to replace the token with [Parameter( Position = 2, Mandatory )] [Alias('Value')] [string]$With, # File(s) to replace tokens in [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 3 )] [string]$In ) Add-BuildTask -Name $Name -Data $PSBoundParameters -Source $MyInvocation { if (Test-Path $Task.Data.In) { $options = $Task.Data $null = $options.Remove('Name') logInfo "Replacing $($options.Token) with $($options.With) in $($options.In)" $options.In | Invoke-ReplaceToken @options | Set-Content $options.In } } } |