
    Add additional HTTP status codes to alert on to a StatusCake test
    Add additional HTTP StatusCodes to alert on to an existing test.
    Credentials to access StatusCake API
    The Test ID to modify the details for
    Name of the Test displayed in StatusCake
.PARAMETER StatusCodes
    Array of status codes to be added.
    Returns the object which this function modifies. By default, this function does not return any output.
    C:\PS>Add-StatusCakeHelperTestStatusCode -TestID "123456" -StatusCodes @(206,207)
    Add status codes 206 and 207 to test with ID 123456

function Add-StatusCakeHelperTestStatusCode
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $APICredential = (Get-StatusCakeHelperAPIAuth),



            if(!($_ | Test-StatusCakeHelperStatusCode)){
                Throw "HTTP Status Code invalid [$_]"


    {   #If setting test by name check if a test or tests with that name exists
        if( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("StatusCake API", "Retrieve StatusCake Tests"))
            $testCheck = Get-StatusCakeHelperTest -APICredential $APICredential -TestName $TestName
                Write-Error "No Test with Specified Name Exists [$TestName]"
                Return $null
            elseif($testCheck.GetType().Name -eq 'Object[]')
                Write-Error "Multiple Tests with the same name [$TestName] [$($testCheck.TestID)]"
                Return $null
            $TestID = $testCheck.TestID
    {   #If setting by TestID verify that TestID already exists
        if( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("StatusCake API", "Retrieve StatusCake Tests"))
            $testCheck = Get-StatusCakeHelperTest -APICredential $APICredential -TestID $TestID
                Write-Error "No Test with Specified ID Exists [$TestID]"
                Return $null
            $TestID = $testCheck.TestID

    if( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("StatusCake API", "Retrieve StatusCake Detailed Test Data") )
        $detailedTestData = Get-StatusCakeHelperTestDetail -APICredential $APICredential -TestID $TestID

    $detailedTestData.StatusCodes += $StatusCodes
    $StatusCodes = $detailedTestData.StatusCodes | Sort-Object -Unique

    if( $pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("StatusCake API", "Add Status Code to StatusCake Test"))
        $result = Set-StatusCakeHelperTest -APICredential $APICredential -TestID $TestID -StatusCodes $StatusCodes
            Return $result
