
   Converts a hashtable of parameters to the format expected by the StatusCake API
   Converts a hashtable of parameters to the format expected by the StatusCake API
.PARAMETER InputHashTable
   Hashtable containing the values to pass to the StatusCake API
   C:\PS>$inputHashtable | ConvertTo-StatusCakeHelperAPIParameter
   Convert values of a hashtable into values expected by StatusCake API

function ConvertTo-StatusCakeHelperAPIParameter
        [hashtable] $InputHashTable

    $workingHashtable = $PSBoundParameters["InputHashTable"]
    $outputHashTable =@{}

    foreach ($var in $workingHashtable.GetEnumerator())
        $name = $

            'Boolean'{ # Boolean should be converted to integers
                $value = 0
                If($var.value -eq $true){
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $value
            'DateTime'{ #Dates need to be converted to Unix Epoch time
                $date = Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970"
                $value = $var.value
                $outputHashTable[$name] = [Math]::Round($((New-TimeSpan -Start $date -End $value).TotalSeconds))
            'Hashtable'{ # Hash table should be converted to JSON (CustomHeader)
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $var.value  | ConvertTo-Json
            'Int32[]'{ #Arrays need to be converted to comma separated lists
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $var.value -join ","
            'Object[]'{ #Arrays need to be converted to comma separated lists
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $var.value -join ","
            'SecureString'{ #SecureString needs to be converted to plaintext
                $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "UserName", $var.value
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
                Write-Verbose "[$($] [$($var.value.GetType().Name)] will be added with value [$("*".PadRight($Credentials.Password.Length, "*"))]"
            'String[]'{ #Arrays need to be converted to comma separated lists
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $var.value -join ","
            'String'{ # API is case sensitive for True/False strings
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $var.value
                if($outputHashTable[$name] -ceq "True" -or $outputHashTable[$name] -ceq "False")
                    $outputHashTable[$name] = $outputHashTable[$name].ToLower()
            default {
                $outputHashTable[$name] = $var.value
        if($var.value.GetType().Name -ne 'SecureString')
            Write-Verbose "[$($] [$($var.value.GetType().Name)] will be added with value [$($outputHashTable[$name])]"
    Return $outputHashTable