<# .Synopsis Retrieve the details of the StatusCake Probes from StatusCake's RSS feed .EXAMPLE Get-StatusCakeHelperProbes .INPUTS $StatusCakeXMLURL - URL of RSS feed page containing StatusCake probes .OUTPUTS StatusCakeProbes - Object containing details of the Status probe .FUNCTIONALITY Retrieves details of StatusCake probes from StatusCake's RSS feed sorted by Title #> function Get-StatusCakeHelperProbes { Param( $StatusCakeXMLURL = '' ) $StatusCakeProbesXML = ([xml](Invoke-WebRequest -uri $StatusCakeXMLURL -UseBasicParsing).Content) $StatusCakeProbes = @() ForEach ($msg in $StatusCakeProbesXML.Item) { $msg.title -match '(?<country>\w{2,}\s?\w{0,})\,?\s?(?<city>\w{2,}\s?\w{0,})?\s?\-?\s?(?<number>\d{1,2})?' | Out-Null $Country = $Matches.Country $City = $Matches.City if(!$Country){$Country = $msg.title} if(!$City){$City = $Country} $StatusCakeProbes+=[PSCustomObject]@{ 'Title' = $msg.title 'GUID' = $msg.guid.'#text' 'ip' = "$($msg.ip)/32" 'servercode' = $msg.servercode 'Country' = $Country.trim() 'CountryISO' = $msg.countryiso 'City' = $City.trim() 'Status' = $msg.status } $Matches = "" } Return $StatusCakeProbes | Sort-Object Title } |