
   Retrieves alerts that have been sent in relation to tests setup on the account
   Get-StatusCakeHelperSentAlerts -TestID 123456 -since "2017-08-19 13:29:49"
    baseAlertURL - Base URL endpoint of the statuscake alert API
    Username - Username associated with the API key
    ApiKey - APIKey to access the StatusCake API
    TestID - ID of the Test to retrieve the sent alerts for
    TestName - Name of the Test to retrieve the sent alerts for
    Since - Supply to include results only since the specified date
    Returns an object with the details on the Alerts Sent
    Retrieves alerts that have been sent in regards to tests setup on the account

function Get-StatusCakeHelperSentAlerts
        $baseAlertURL = "",

    $authenticationHeader = @{"Username"="$username";"API"="$ApiKey"}

        $testCheck = Get-StatusCakeHelperTest -Username $username -apikey $ApiKey -TestName $TestName
        if($testCheck.GetType().Name -eq 'Object[]')
            Write-Error "Multiple Tests found with name [$TestName] [$($testCheck.TestID)]. Please retrieve sent alerts via TestID"
            Return $null            
        $TestID = $testCheck.TestID
            Write-Error "Unable to find Test with name [$TestName]"
            Return $null

    $uri = $baseAlertURL
        $uri = "$uri`?TestID=$TestID"

    {   #Calculate Unix timestamp
        $date1 = Get-Date -Date "01/01/1970"
        $unixTimestamp = (New-TimeSpan -Start $date1 -End $Since).TotalSeconds    
            $uri = "$uri&Since=$unixTimestamp"
            $uri = "$uri`?Since=$unixTimestamp"

    $requestParams = @{
        uri = $uri
        Headers = $authenticationHeader
        UseBasicParsing = $true

    $jsonResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @requestParams
    $response = $jsonResponse | ConvertFrom-Json
    Return $response