
function Expand-StackArchive {
            Uses 7-Zip to list and extract a zipped file with extension *.7z
            Utilizes alias "sz" created within the module StackExchange that calls CLI of 7-Zip
            The path to 7zip program executable is set in the module config (Get-StackdbConfig)
        .PARAMETER ExportPath
            Destination for expanding contents of 7z file.
        .PARAMETER FileName
            The zipped file to be uncompressed.
        .PARAMETER List
            Will list the contents of the zipped file
            Expand-StackArchive -FileName 'C:\Temp\MyZippedFile.7z' -List
            List contents of the MyZippedFile.7z file
            Expand-StackArchive -FileName 'C:\Temp\MyZippedFIle.7z' -exportPath 'C:\Temp\MyFolder'
            Export contents of MyZippedFile.7z to C:\Temp\MyFolder

    param (
    begin {
        if (Test-Path $7zPath) {
            Set-Alias szStackdb $7zPath -Scope Local
        else {
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "7-zip executable not found"
        if (Test-PSFParameterBinding 'ExportPath' -Not) {
            $ExportPath = (Get-ChildItem $FileName).DirectoryName
    process {
        if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) {return}
        if (Test-Path $FileName) {
            if ($List) {
                szStackdb l $FileName
            else {
                $baseFileName = (Get-ChildItem $FileName).BaseName.TrimEnd(".7z")
                $ExportPath = $ExportPath + "\" + $baseFileName
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting contents to $FileName"
                $execute = "szStackdb e $FileName -aoa -bb0 -o$ExportPath"
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Invoking: $execute"
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting $FileName"
                Invoke-Expression $execute
        else {
            Stop-PSFFunction -Message "[$FileName] File not found"
        Remove-Item alias:\szStackdb -force