function Expand-StackArchive { <# .SYNOPSIS Uses 7-Zip to list and extract a zipped file with extension *.7z .DESCRIPTION Utilizes alias "sz" created within the module StackExchange that calls CLI of 7-Zip .PARAMETER 7zPath Path to the 7z.exe from 7-Zip, defaults to the ProfileFiles environment variable path .PARAMETER ExportPath Destination for expanding contents of 7z file. .PARAMETER FileName The zipped file to be uncompressed. .PARAMETER List Will list the contents of the zipped file .EXAMPLE Expand-StackArchive -FileName 'C:\Temp\MyZippedFile.7z' -List List contents of the MyZippedFile.7z file .EXAMPLE Expand-StackArchive -FileName 'C:\Temp\MyZippedFIle.7z' -exportPath 'C:\Temp\MyFolder' Export contents of MyZippedFile.7z to C:\Temp\MyFolder #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$7zPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe", [string]$FileName, [string]$ExportPath, [switch]$List ) begin { if (Test-Path $7zPath) { Set-Alias sz $7zPath -Scope Local } else { Stop-PSFFunction -Message "7-zip executable not found" return } if (Test-PSFParameterBinding 'ExportPath' -Not) { $ExportPath = (Get-ChildItem $FileName).DirectoryName } } process { if (Test-Path $FileName) { if ($List) { sz l $FileName } else { $baseFileName = (Get-ChildItem $FileName).BaseName.TrimEnd(".7z") $ExportPath = $ExportPath + "\" + $baseFileName Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting contents to $FileName" $execute = "sz e $FileName -aoa -bb0 -o$ExportPath" Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "invoking: $execute" Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Extracting $FileName" Invoke-Expression $execute } } else { Stop-PSFFunction -Message "[$FileName] File not found" return } Remove-Item alias:\sz -force } } |