function Get-specNetworkAdapterInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves detailed information about network adapters and identifies if each is using Wi-Fi or a wired connection. .DESCRIPTION This function collects detailed information for network adapters. It determines whether each adapter is using Wi-Fi or a wired connection based on its description. .PARAMETER IncludeDisconnected If specified, retrieves information for all network adapters, regardless of connection status. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject Returns a custom object containing details about each network adapter. .EXAMPLE Get-specNetworkAdapterInfo Retrieves information for all active network adapters. .EXAMPLE Get-specNetworkAdapterInfo -IncludeDisconnected Retrieves information for all network adapters, including disconnected ones. .NOTES Author: owen.heaume Version: 1.0 - Initial release 1.1 - Add InterfaceIndex to output #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Switch]$IncludeDisconnected ) # Determine which network adapters to retrieve based on parameter $CurrentNetAdapters = if ($IncludeDisconnected) { Get-NetAdapter } else { Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq 'Up' } } # Collect network adapter information foreach ($CurrentNetAdapter in $CurrentNetAdapters) { try { # Get IP configuration for the current adapter $IPConfiguration = Get-NetIPConfiguration -InterfaceIndex $CurrentNetAdapter.ifIndex -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $IPConfiguration = $null } # Check if the adapter is Wi-Fi or Wired $isWiFi = ($CurrentNetAdapter.InterfaceDescription -match 'Wi-Fi|Wireless|WiFi' -or $CurrentNetAdapter.InterfaceDescription -match '802.11') $ConnectionType = if ($isWiFi) { 'Wi-Fi' } else { 'Wired' } [PSCustomObject]@{ NetInterfaceDescription = $CurrentNetAdapter.InterfaceDescription ConnectionType = $ConnectionType NetProfileName = if ($IPConfiguration) { $IPConfiguration.NetProfile.Name } else { 'N/A' } NetIPv4Address = if ($IPConfiguration) { $IPConfiguration.IPv4Address.IPAddress } else { 'N/A' } NetInterfaceAlias = $CurrentNetAdapter.InterfaceAlias NetIPv4DefaultGateway = if ($IPConfiguration) { $IPConfiguration.IPv4DefaultGateway.NextHop } else { 'N/A' } MacAddress = $CurrentNetAdapter.MacAddress InterfaceIndex = $CurrentNetAdapter.ifIndex } } } |