
Function Get-specDriveMap {
        Retrieves information about mapped drives using Get-SmbMapping.
        The Get-specDriveMap function retrieves information about all mapped drives or specific mapped drives using the Get-SmbMapping cmdlet.
    .PARAMETER DriveLetter
        Specifies the drive letter(s) for which to retrieve mapping information.
        Type the drive letter(s) as a string or provide them via the pipeline.
        Retrieves information about all mapped drives
        Get-specDriveMap -DriveLetter 'N:'
        Retrieves information about the mapped drive with the letter 'N:'.
        Get-specDriveMap -DriveLetter 'N:','Z:'
        Retrieves information about the mapped drive with the letter 'N:' and 'Z:' using serial input.
        'N:','O:' | Get-specDriveMap
        Retrieves information about the mapped drives with the letters 'N:' and 'O:' using pipeline input.
        $result = Get-specDriveMap
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($result)) {
            write-host "No drive maps found"
        } else {
            write-host "DRIVE MAPS FOUND!"
        This example shows how you might test the functions output in a script. If no drive maps are found then the $result variable will be null or empty.
        Outputs a custom object with the following properties:
        - DriveLetter: The local drive letter.
        - RemotePath: The remote path to which the drive is mapped.
        - Status: The status of the drive mapping. eg. 'OK' or 'Disconnected'
        - GlobalMapping: Indicates whether the drive mapping is global or not
        Author: owen.heaume
        Version: 1.0

    param (
            Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            Position = 0)]
        [ValidateLength(1, 2)]
        [alias ('Drive')]

    Begin {
        $driveMap = Get-SmbMapping

    process {
        if ($DriveLetter) {
            foreach ($letter in $DriveLetter) {
                # if the drive letter does not end in a colon then add it
                if ($letter[-1] -ne ':') {
                    $letter = $letter + ':'

                $map = $driveMap | Where-Object -Property 'LocalPath' -eq $letter

                if ($map) {
                        DriveLetter   = $map.LocalPath
                        RemotePath    = $map.RemotePath
                        Status        = $map.status
                        GlobalMapping = $map.GlobalMapping
                } else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "No drive map found for $letter"
        } else {
            # if no drivemaps were found write a warning
            if ($driveMap.count -eq 0) {
                Write-Warning -Message "No drive maps found"
            } else {
                $drivemap | % {
                        DriveLetter   = $_.LocalPath
                        RemotePath    = $_.RemotePath
                        Status        = $_.status
                        GlobalMapping = $_.GlobalMapping

    end { }