
function Find-specMatchingGroupName {
    Finds a matching group name between two arrays.
    This function takes two arrays of Azure group names and identifies the single group name that exists in both arrays. It is designed to handle scenarios where only one match is expected.
.PARAMETER GroupArray1
    The first array of group names.
.PARAMETER GroupArray2
    The second array of group names.
    $AzureGroupNames1 = @("GroupA", "GroupB", "GroupC")
    $AzureGroupNames2 = @("GroupX", "GroupB", "GroupY")
    Find-specMatchingGroupName -GroupArray1 $AzureGroupNames1 -GroupArray2 $AzureGroupNames2
    This example will output:
    This function uses a 'break' statement to exit the loop after finding the first match, as it assumes only one match exists.
    Author: owen.heaume
    Version: 1.0 -Initial release

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        $MatchingGroupName = $null

    process {
        try {
            # Loop through the first array
            foreach ($GroupName in $GroupArray1) {
                # Check if the current group name exists in the second array
                if ($GroupArray2 -contains $GroupName) {
                    # If a match is found, assign it to the variable and exit the loop
                    $MatchingGroupName = $GroupName
        } catch {
            Write-Error "An error occurred: $_"

    end {
        # Output the matching group name
        if ($MatchingGroupName) {
            return $MatchingGroupName
        } else {
            Write-Warning 'No matching group name found.'