function Get-specNumberOfItems { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the number of items in a collection. .DESCRIPTION This function calculates the number of items in a given collection. It handles the case where the input collection is null. .PARAMETER Items The collection of items to count. .RETURNS The number of items in the collection, or 0 if the collection is null. .EXAMPLE Get-SpecNumberOfItems -Items @(1, 2, 3) Returns 3 .EXAMPLE Get-SpecNumberOfItems -Items "hello" Returns 1 .EXAMPLE Get-SpecNumberOfItems -Items $null Returns 0 .NOTES Author: owen.heaume Version: 1.0.0 - Initial release #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( $Items ) if ($null -eq $items) { return 0 } $count = 0 $items | % { $count++ } return $count } |