
# Ensure_SolrTask.ps1
function Invoke-EnsureSolrTask
    Extracts Solr zip archive to specified path.
    The Invoke-EnsureSolrTask is registered as EnsureSolr type.
    Sets SOLR_HOME variable to 'InstallLocation\server\solr'
    Json task configuration for Sitecore Install Framework:
    "InstallSolr": {
      "Type": "EnsureSolr",
      "Params": {
        "SolrPackage": "[variable('Source.Solr')]",
        "InstallLocation": "[variable('SolrInstallFolder')]"

        # SolrPackage path to Solr zip archive

        # Path where you want to install Solr

    $solrHome = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("SOLR_HOME",[EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

    if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($solrHome, "Verify if SOLR is installed"))
        if( $solrHome -ne $null )
            Write-Verbose "Solr already installed SOLR_HOME is set to $solrHome"

        if( -not (Test-Path $InstallLocation) )
            md $InstallLocation

        Expand-Archive -Path $SolrPackage -DestinationPath $InstallLocation
        # Move expanded content up one level
        $cleanupPath = Join-Path $InstallLocation ([IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($SolrPackage))
        Move-Item -Path "$cleanUpPath\*" -Destination $InstallLocation
        Remove-Item $cleanupPath
        if( $InstallLocation -ne $null )
            $solrHome = Join-Path -Path $InstallLocation -ChildPath "\server\solr"
            Write-Verbose "Set SOLR_HOME variable to $solrHome"


function Install-SolrAsService
        # Solr Port

        # Solr Memory

    if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("PSSolrService", "Verify if Solr as a service is installed"))
        #region Check if PSSolrService is already installed
        $service = Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "PSSolrService"} 
        if( $service -ne $null -and $service.Status -eq 'Running' )
            Write-Warning -Message "PSSolrService is installed and running"

    if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("PSSolrService.ps1", "Install SOLR as a Service"))
        $command1= $PSScriptRoot+"\PSSolrService.ps1" 
        &$command1 -Setup -Verbose
        &$command1 -Start -Verbose    

function Remove-SolrService
        # Solr Port

    if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("PSSolrService", "Verify if Solr as a service is installed"))
        #region Check if PSSolrService is already installed
        $service = Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.name -eq "PSSolrService"} 
        if( $service -ne $null -and $service.Status -eq 'Running' )
            $command1= $PSScriptRoot+"\PSSolrService.ps1" 
            &$command1 -Stop -Verbose
            &$command1 -Remove -Verbose    

Export-ModuleMember Invoke-EnsureSolrTask
Export-ModuleMember Install-SolrAsService
Export-ModuleMember Remove-SolrService