Processing Config Enable-Disable Sitecore_8.2-160906_RTM.csv file .DESCRIPTION This function is processing csv file, that contains guideline about enable/disable configuration files on each enviroment. #> function Set-SitecoreEnvironment { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$CsvPath, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$WebPath, [parameter()] [ValidateSet('ContentDelivery','ContentManagement','Processing','CMProcessing','Reporting')] [string]$Environment = $null, [parameter()] [ValidateSet('Solr','Lucene')] [string]$Search = $null, [switch]$Backup ) if($Backup -eq $true) { $sourceFolder = Join-Path -Path $WebPath -ChildPath "website\App_Config" #More about date formating - $date = Get-Date -Format d-M-yyyy-HH-MM-s $backupFile = "website\App_Config-$" $backupPath = Join-Path -Path $WebPath -ChildPath $backupFile Zip-Directory -DestinationFileName $backupPath -SourceDirectory $sourceFolder } if( ($Search -ne '') -and ($Environment -ne '')) { Write-Verbose "Configure $Search for environment: $Environment" # Prefilter all configuration files to select only files with values 'Solr is used' or 'Lucene is used' $searchProviderPreFilter = {$_.SearchProviderUsed -ne '' -and $_.SearchProviderUsed -ne 'Base' } # Set field 'Enable' to true if # configuration file is used by selected search engine # and configuration file should be enabled on selected environment $action = @{Name="Enable"; Expression = { ($_.SearchProviderUsed -eq "$Search is used" -and $_.$Environment -eq 'Enable')}} # Build full path to configuration file $file = @{Name="ConfigPath";Expression = { Combine-Path $WebPath $_.FilePath $_.ConfigFileName}} Import-Csv $CsvPath | Where-Object $searchProviderPreFilter | Select-Object $file, $action, @{Name="ProcessExample"; Expression={$true}} | Switch-SitecoreConfigFile } elseif( $Environment -ne '' -and $Search -eq '') { Write-Verbose "Configure environment: $Environment" # Prefilter all configuration files to select all files not connected with any search provider $searchProviderPreFilter = {$_.SearchProviderUsed -eq '' -or $_.SearchProviderUsed -eq 'Base' } # Set field 'Enable' to true if # and configuration file should be enabled on selected environment $action = @{Name="Enable"; Expression = { ( $_.$Environment -eq 'Enable')}} # Build full path to configuration file $file = @{Name="ConfigPath";Expression = { Combine-Path $WebPath $_.FilePath $_.ConfigFileName}} Import-Csv $CsvPath | Where-Object $searchProviderPreFilter | Select-Object $file, $action, @{Name="ProcessExample"; Expression={$false}} | Switch-SitecoreConfigFile } } <#.Synopsis Enable or disable Sitecore configuration file .DESCRIPTION This function is used to enable/disable configuration file. This functionality is realized by change file name extension. Enable configuration file means - remove extension '.disabled' Disable configuration file means - add extension '.disabled' This function process objects passed by pipeline. Object should have two properties ConfigPath and Enable. ConfigPath - this is path to configration file Enable - if set to true file is enabled, otherwise disabled .EXAMPLE #> function Switch-SitecoreConfigFile { process { $VerbosePreference = "Continue" $configFile = $_.ConfigPath; Write-Verbose "Processing $configFile..." if( -not (Test-Path -Path $configFile) ) { Write-Warning "File not exist" return; } $extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($configFile) $processExample = $_.ProcessExample # extension .example should be processed only when search configuration is processed if($processExample -eq $true -and $_.Enable -eq $true -and $extension -eq '.example') { $newConfigFile = $configFile -replace "\.example","" Write-Verbose "Enable example file $newConfigFile" Rename-Item $configFile -NewName $newConfigFile } elseif($_.Enable -eq $true -and $extension -eq '.disabled') { $newConfigFile = $configFile -replace ".disabled","" Write-Verbose "Enable file $newConfigFile" Rename-Item $configFile -NewName $newConfigFile } elseif($_.Enable -eq $false -and $extension -eq '.config' ) { $newConfigFile = $configFile -replace "\.config",".config.disabled" Write-Verbose "Disable file $newConfigFile" Rename-Item $configFile -NewName $newConfigFile } else { Write-Warning "Change is not necessary" } } } <# .EXAMPLE Combine-Path 'a' .EXAMPLE Combine-Path 'a' 'b' .EXAMPLE Combine-Path 'a' 'b' 'c' #> function Combine-Path { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Path1, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Path2, [parameter()] [string]$Path3 ) return Join-Path $Path1 -ChildPath (Join-Path $Path2 -ChildPath $Path3) } Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-SitecoreEnvironment |