
    sigmadb - delete sigma rule from db
    Removes a sigma rule from the database
    PS C:\> Remove-SigmaRule -Id '1' -Database .\sigma.db
    Removes Sigma rule 1 with its exceptions from the database
    Id: rule id
    Database: path to sql database
    Author: ncrqnt
    Date: 07.09.2021
    PowerShell: 7.1.4
    1.2.0 22.09.2021 ncrqnt Removed file_path and replaced with Rules path in config file
                                    Changed call of SigmaDB class
    1.1.1 16.09.2021 ncrqnt Restructure of config file
    1.1.0 13.09.2021 ncrqnt Changed Database parameter to Config
    1.0.0 07.09.2021 ncrqnt Initial creation

function Remove-SigmaRule {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Config = '.\sigmadb\config.yml'

    begin {
        $cfg = Get-PrivSigmaConfig -Config $Config
        $db = New-Object -TypeName SigmaDB -ArgumentList $cfg.Files.Database

    process {
        $select = "SELECT * FROM rule WHERE id = @id"
        $rule = $db.Query($select, @{ id = $Id })[0]

        if ($null -ne $rule) {
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($cfg.Files.Database, "DELETE FROM rule WHERE id = '$Id'")) {
                Remove-Item "$($cfg.Folders.Rules)\$($rule.file_name)" | Out-Null
                $db.Update("DELETE FROM rule WHERE id = @id", @{ id = $Id })
                Write-Output "Rule '$Id' successful deleted"
        else {
            Write-Warning -Message "No rule with id '$Id' found"

    end {