
    sigmadb - Add custom exception to sigma rule (private function)
    Private function called by ConvertTo-PrivSigmaYaml
    in order to add the custom exceptions to the selected sigma rule
    PS C:\> Add-PrivSigmaException -RuleYaml $yaml -ExceptionList $exceptions
    Adds the exceptions from $exception to the sigma rule $yaml
    RuleYaml: Ordered Dictionary of the sigma rule (from ConvertFrom-Yaml -Ordered)
    ExceptionList: Array of all exceptions of the selected rule (from SQL query)
    Author: ncrqnt
    Date: 09.09.2021
    PowerShell: 7.1.4
    1.0.0 09.09.2021 ncrqnt Initial creation

function Add-PrivSigmaException {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $yaml = $RuleDict
    $exceptions = $ExceptionList

    if (-not $yaml.detection) {
        $yaml.Add('detection', [ordered]@{}) | Out-Null

    foreach ($exc in $exceptions) {
        $key = $exc.search_identifier
        $value = $exc.filter | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
        # Add exception to existing filter
        if ($yaml.detection.$key) {
            $yaml.detection.$key += $value
        else {
            # Add new exception to yaml 'detection' tree
            if ($yaml.detection.condition) {
                $index = ($yaml.detection).Count - 1
                $yaml.detection.condition += " $($exc.operator) $($exc.search_identifier)"
            else {
                $index = ($yaml.detection).Count

            $yaml.detection.Insert($index, $key, $value) | Out-Null

    return $yaml