# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The NativeObjectBuilder allows the consumer to construct objects in an object format # "native" to another runtime, in this case the PowerShell runtime. As much as possible # runtime-specific, i.e. PowerShell-specific object behaviors are centralized in this # class. enum NativeObjectBuilderMode { Create Modify } class NativeObjectBuilder { static $NativeTypeMemberName = 'PSTypeName' NativeObjectBuilder([string] $typeName, [PSCustomObject] $prototype, [NativeObjectBuilderMode] $mode) { $this.mode = $mode $this.object = if ( $mode -eq [NativeObjectBuilderMode]::Modify ) { if ( ! $prototype ) { throw [ArgumentException]::New("'Modify' mode was specified for ObjectBuilder, but no existing object was specified to modify") } if ( $typeName ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("Type name may not be specified for ObjectBuilder 'Modify' mode -- an object's type is immutable") } $prototype } else { $objectState = @{} if ( $typeName ) { $this::UnregisterClassType($typeName) $objectState[$this::NativeTypeMemberName] = $typeName } if ( $prototype ) { $ | foreach { if ( $_.membertype -ne 'NoteProperty' ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("Property '$($' of member type '$($_.memberType)' is not of valid member type 'NoteProperty'") } $objectState[$] = $_.value } } [PSCustomObject] $objectState } } [PSCustomObject] GetObject() { return $this.object } [void] AddMember($name, $memberType, $value, $secondValue) { $secondValueParameter = if ( $secondValue ) { @{SecondValue=$secondValue} } else { @{} } $this.object | add-member -MemberType $memberType -name $name -value $value @secondValueParameter } [void] AddProperty($name, $type, $value, $isConstant) { $backingPropertyName = if ( ! $type -and ! $isConstant) { $name } else { # Check to make sure any initializer is compatible with the declared type if ($type -and ($value -ne $null)) { $evalString = "param(`[$type] `$value)" $evalBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($evalString) (. $evalBlock $value) | out-null } "___$($name)" } $this.AddMember($backingPropertyname, 'NoteProperty', $value, $null) if ( $type -or $isConstant ) { $typeCoercion = if ( $type ) { # We *MUST* use the FullName property here to avoid short type name collisions or other # non-determinism stemming from the fact that ToString() for a given type is not required to # return any valid type name (short, full, or anything else) -- FullName is required to do so however. # An example is the type for [ordered]@{} which for an unknown reason resolves to the string "ordered" # in some versions of PowerShell which is not a type. "[$($type.FullName)]" } else { '' } $readBlock = [ScriptBlock]::Create("$typeCoercion `$this.$backingPropertyName") $writeBlock = if ( ! $isConstant ) { [Scriptblock]::Create("param(`$val) `$this.$backingPropertyName = $typeCoercion `$val") } else { [Scriptblock]::Create("param(`$val) throw `"member '$name' cannot be overwritten because it is read-only`"") } $this.AddMember($name, 'ScriptProperty', $readBlock, $writeBlock) } } [void] AddMethod($name, $methodBlock) { $this.AddMember($name, 'ScriptMethod', $methodBlock, $null) } [void] RemoveMember([string] $name, [string] $type, [bool] $force) { if ( ! $force ) { if (! ( $this.object | gm -name $name -membertype $type -erroraction ignore ) ) { throw "Member '$name' cannot be removed because the object has no such member." } } $this.object.psobject.members.remove($name) } static [object] CopyFrom($sourceObject) { return $sourceObject.psobject.copy() } hidden static [void] UnregisterClassType([string] $typeName) { remove-typedata $typename -erroraction ignore } static [void] RegisterClassType([string] $typeName, [string[]] $visiblePropertyNames, $prototype) { if ( $visiblePropertyNames -contains ([NativeObjectBuilder]::NativeTypeMemberName) ) { throw "Property name ([NativeObjectBuilder]::NativeTypeMemberName) is prohibited" } $typeArguments = [NativeObjectBuilder]::basicTypeData.clone() $typeArguments.TypeName = $typeName $displayProperties = @{} $typeArguments['DefaultDisplayPropertySet'] | where { $_ -ne $null -and $_ -ne ([NativeObjectBuilder]::NativeTypeMemberName) } | foreach { $displayProperties.Add($_, $null) } if ( $visiblePropertyNames ) { $visiblePropertyNames | foreach { $displayProperties.Add($_, $null) } } if ( $displayProperties.count -gt 0 ) { $typeArguments['DefaultDisplayPropertySet'] = [string[]] $displayProperties.keys } if ( $prototype ) { $typeArguments['PropertySerializationSet'] = $ | where name -ne ([NativeObjectBuilder]::NativeTypeMemberName) | select -expandproperty name } Update-TypeData -force @typeArguments } static $basicTypeData = @{ TypeName = $null Serializationmethod = 'SpecificProperties' Serializationdepth = 2 } [PSCustomObject] $object = $null [NativeObjectBuilderMode] $mode } |