# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function PatchedObject_New($object) { @{ Object = $object MockScriptBlock = $null ParameterFilter = $null } } function PatchedObject_Mock($patchedObject, $mockScriptBlock, $parameterFilter) { $patchedObject.MockScriptBlock = $mockScriptBlock # TODO: Add additional filtering to the parameter filter so it only applies # to this object so that even after this module's tracking of this as a mocked # object is removed, the mock still applies only to this object $patchedObject.Parameterfilter = $parameterFilter } function PatchedObject_IsPatched($object) { $objectId = try { $object.__ScriptClassMockedObjectId() } catch { } $objectId -ne $null } function PatchedObject_AllocateUniqueId { $patchStateVariable = get-variable -scope script __patchedObjectState -erroraction ignore $patchState = if ( $patchStateVariable ) { $patchStateVariable.value } else { $script:__patchedObjectState = [PSCustomObject] @{ SerialStart = $null SerialCurrent = $null } $script:__patchedObjectState } if ( $patchState.SerialCurrent -eq $null ) { $random = [Random]::new() # The next method returns a positive signed [int32] $idStart = [uint64] $ $idStart += [uint64] $ $idStart *= [uint64] ([int32]::MaxValue) $idStart += [uint64] $ $idStart += [uint64] $ $patchState.SerialStart = $idStart $patchState.SerialCurrent = $idStart } elseif ( $patchState.SerialCurrent -eq $patchState.SerialStart ) { throw 'Maximum mock object count exceeded' } $nextId = if ( $patchState.SerialCurrent -eq [uint64]::MaxValue ) { 0 } else { $patchState.SerialCurrent + [uint64] 1 } $patchState.SerialCurrent = $nextId $nextId } function PatchedObject_GetUniqueId([PSCustomObject] $object) { if ( ! $object ) { throw 'The specified object was $null' } if ( ! ( test-scriptobject $object ) ) { throw 'The specified object was not a ScriptClass object' } $objectUniqueId = if ( $object | gm -membertype scriptmethod __ScriptClassMockedObjectId -erroraction ignore) { $object.__ScriptClassMockedObjectId() } if ( ! $objectUniqueId ) { $objectUniqueId = PatchedObject_AllocateUniqueId $object | add-member -name __ScriptClassMockedObjectId -membertype scriptmethod -value ([ScriptBlock]::Create("[uint64] $($objectUniqueId.tostring())")) -force } $objectUniqueId } |