# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. function MethodMocker_Get { $mockerVariable = get-variable -scope script __MethodMocker -erroraction ignore $mocker = if ( $mockerVariable ) { $mockerVariable.value } if ( ! $mocker ) { $mocker = [PSCustomObject] @{ MethodPatcher = MethodPatcher_Get } $script:__MethodMocker = $mocker } $mocker } function MethodMocker_GetClassModule($object, $className) { $arguments = @{} if ( $object ) { $arguments['object'] = $object } if ( $className) { $arguments['className'] = $className } $classInfo = Get-ScriptClass -detailed @arguments MethodPatcher_GetClassModule $classInfo } function MethodMocker_Mock($mockManager, $className, $methodName, $isStatic, $object, $mockScriptBlock, $parameterFilter, $isVerifiableMock, $moduleName, $mockContext) { $patchedMethod = MethodPatcher_PatchMethod $mockManager.MethodPatcher $className $MethodName $isStatic $object $objectModule = if ( $object ) { MethodMocker_GetClassModule -object $object } else { MethodMocker_GetClassModule -className $className } MethodMocker_MockPatchedMethod $patchedMethod $object $mockScriptBlock $parameterFilter $isVerifiableMock $objectModule.Name $objectModule $mockContext } function MethodMocker_MockPatchedMethod($patchedMethod, $object, $mockScriptBlock, $parameterFilter, $isVerifiableMock, $moduleName, $module, $mockContext) { $adjustedParameterFilter = if ( $object ) { $patchedObject = PatchedClassMethod_GetPatchedObject $patchedMethod $Object PatchedObject_Mock $patchedObject $mockScriptBlock $parameterFilter $patchedObject.ParameterFilter } else { $parameterFilter } $parameterFilterArgument = if ( $adjustedParameterFilter ) { @{ParameterFilter=$adjustedParameterFilter} } else { @{} } $moduleArgument = @{moduleName=$module.Name} . $module.newboundscriptblock( { param($patchedMethod, $parameterFilterArgument, $IsVerifiableMock, $mockScriptBlock, $moduleArgument, $Context) $importModule = $patchedmethod.ClassInfo.module import-module $importmodule -force -warningaction ignore | out-null $MockContext = $Context $mockModuleName = if ( $patchedMethod.IsStatic ) { $importModule.Name } else { {} } Mock $patchedMethod.FunctionName @parameterFilterArgument -Verifiable:$IsVerifiableMock -MockWith $mockScriptBlock -ModuleName $mockModuleName } ) $patchedMethod $parameterFilterArgument $IsVerifiableMock $mockScriptBlock $moduleArgument $mockContext } function MethodMocker_Unmock($className, $methodName, $isStatic, $object, $allMocks) { $patcher = MethodPatcher_Get $targetMethods = if ( $allMocks ) { MethodPatcher_GetPatchedMethods $patcher } else { MethodPatcher_QueryPatchedMethods $patcher $ClassName $MethodName $Static $Object } $targetMethods | foreach { MethodPatcher_Unpatch $patcher $_ $object } } |