# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The ScriptClassBuilder implements what is essentially a derived type of the general type. In particular, # ScriptClassBuilder is where the notion of static methods is implemented for the type, and object structure # supporting that along a level of reflection capability that distinguishes ScriptClass types is implemented # here. class ScriptClassBuilder : ClassBuilder { ScriptClassBuilder([string] $className, [ScriptBlock] $classblock) : base($className, $classBlock, [ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Language.ConstructorName) { } ScriptClassBuilder([ClassDefinitionContext] $context) : base($context) { } [ClassInfo] ToClassInfo([object[]] $classArguments) { $classMemberParameters = [ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Schema.ClassMember $staticTarget = [NativeObjectBuilder]::CopyFrom($this::classMemberPrototype) $this.AddSystemProperty($classMemberParameters.Name, $null, $staticTarget) foreach ( $methodname in $this::commonMethods.keys ) { $this.AddSystemMethod($methodName, $this::commonMethods[$methodName] ) } $classInfo = ([ClassBuilder]$this).ToClassInfo($classArguments) $classInfo.classDefinition.CopyPrototype($true, $staticTarget) $definitionContext = ([ClassBuilder]$this).definitionContext $instanceModule = ([ClassBuilder]$this).definitionContext.module $staticModule = if ( $definitionContext ) { $definitionContext.staticModule } $staticTarget.$($classMemberParameters.Structure.ClassNameMemberName) = $this.className $staticTarget.$($classMemberParameters.Structure.ModuleMemberName) = $staticModule $this::AddStaticCommonMethods($instanceModule, $classInfo.prototype) $this::AddStaticCommonMethods($staticModule, $staticTarget) $excludedMethodNames = $this::commonMethods.keys $filteredClassDefinition = [ClassDefinition]::GetFilteredDefinition($classInfo.classDefinition, $excludedMethodNames, $null) return [ClassInfo]::new($filteredClassDefinition, $classInfo.prototype, $classInfo.module) } static [void] Initialize() { $schemaParameters = [ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Schema.ClassMember $primitiveClassPropertyNames = @( $schemaParameters.Name $schemaParameters.Structure.ClassNameMemberName $schemaParameters.Structure.ModuleMemberName ) $primitiveClassProperties = $primitiveClasspropertyNames | foreach { [Property]::new($_, $null, $false, $false, $false) } $primitiveClassDefinition = [ClassDefinition]::new( $null, @(), @(), $primitiveClassProperties, @(), $null ) [ScriptClassBuilder]::classMemberPrototype = $primitiveClassDefinition.ToPrototype($false) } static [string] GetVerbosePreference() { return $script:ScriptClassVerbosePreference } static $classMemberPrototype = $null static $commonMethods = @{ InvokeMethod = { param([string] $methodName, $arguments) if ( ! $methodName ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("Method name argument was `$null or empty") } $method = ($this.psobject.methods | where name -eq $methodname) if ( ! $method ) { throw [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]::new("The method '$methodName' could not be found on the object") } $oldVerbosePreference = $VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference = [ScriptClassBuilder]::GetVerbosePreference() try { . $method.script @arguments } finally { $VerbosePreference = $oldVerbosePreference } } InvokeScript = { param([ScriptBlock] $script, $arguments) if ( ! $script ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("Scriptblock argument argument was `$null or not specified") } # An interesting alternative is this, but evaluating a new closure AND getting a new scriptblock # seems excessive for a single method call -- perhaps system methods like this can be bound # when they are added to the object prototype: # # . $script.module.newboundscriptblock($script.GetNewClosure()) @arguments # $thisVariable = [PSVariable]::new('this', $this) $script.InvokeWithContext(@{}, [PSVariable[]] @($thisVariable), $arguments) } GetScriptObjectHashCode = { $this.psobject.members.GetHashCode() } } static [void] AddStaticCommonMethods($module, $staticPrototype) { $objectBuilder = [NativeObjectBuilder]::new($null, $staticPrototype, [NativeObjectBuilderMode]::Modify) foreach ( $methodname in [ScriptClassBuilder]::commonMethods.keys ) { $normalizedMethod = $module.newboundscriptblock([ScriptClassBuilder]::commonMethods[$methodName]) $objectBuilder.AddMethod($methodName, $normalizedMethod) } } } [ScriptClassBuilder]::Initialize() |