# Copyright 2019, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Note that -force is required to prevent breaks with # PowerShell Core 6.x only when import-module -force # is invoked. # function => { new-item -path "function:/$([ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Language.MethodCallOperator)" -force -value { param ($methodName) if ($methodName -eq $null) { throw "A method must be specified" } $objects = @() $input | foreach { $objects += $_ } if ( $objects.length -lt 1) { throw "Pipeline must have at least 1 object for $($" } $methodargs = $args $results = @() $objects | foreach { if ( $_ -eq $null ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("A `$null value was specified as the target for operator '$([ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Language.MethodCallOperator)' for method '$methodName'") } $result = InvokeMethodOnTarget $_ $methodName $methodArgs $results += $result } if ( $results.length -eq 1) { $results[0] } else { $results } } | out-null # Note that -force is required to prevent breaks with # PowerShell Core 6.x only when import-module -force # is invoked. # function ::> { new-item -path "function:/$([ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Language.StaticMethodCallOperator)" -force -value { [cmdletbinding(positionalbinding=$false)] param( [parameter(valuefrompipeline=$true)] $target, [parameter(position=0)] $method, [parameter(valuefromremainingarguments=$true)] $arguments ) if ( ! $target ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("The target of the '$([ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Language.StaticMethodCallOperator)' operator for method '$method' was `$null or not specified") } $classMember = [ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Schema.ClassMember.Name $classObject = if ( $target -is [string] ) { [ClassManager]::Get().GetClassInfo($target).prototype.$classMember } elseif ( $target | gm $classMember -erroraction ignore ) { $target.$classMember } else { throw [ArgumentException]::new("The specified object is not a valid ScriptClass object") } if ( ! $classObject ) { throw [ArgumentException]::new("The specified object does not support ScriptClass static methods") } $classObject |=> $method @arguments } | out-null function InvokeMethodOnTarget($target, [string] $methodName, $methodArgs) { $methodInfo = ($target.psobject.methods | where name -eq $methodName) $useScriptInvocation = $true $script = if ( $methodInfo | gm script -erroraction ignore ) { $useScriptInvocation = $false $methodInfo.script } else { if ( ! [ClassManager]::Get().IsClassType($target, $null) ) { throw } if ( ( $target.psobject.methods | where name -eq 'InvokeMethod' ) ) { throw } $static = $false $classMember = $target.$([ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Schema.ClassMember.Name) $classInfo = if ( ! $classMember ) { $static = $true Get-ScriptClass -detailed $classMember.([ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Schema.ClassMember.Name).$([ScriptClassSpecification]::Parameters.Schema.ClassMember.Structure.ClassNameMemberName) } else { Get-ScriptClass -detailed -object $target } if ( $classInfo.classDefinition.GetMethod($methodName, $static) ) { [ClassManager]::RestoreMissingObjectMethods($classInfo, $target, $static) } else { throw [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]::new("The method '$methodName' could not be found on the object") } ($target.psobject.methods | where name -eq $methodname).script } if ( ! $useScriptInvocation -and $script.module ) { $target.InvokeMethod($methodName, $methodArgs) } else { withobject $target $script @methodArgs } } |