# Copyright 2018, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set-strictmode -version 2 $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.' # . "$here\$sut" Describe "The import-script cmdlet" { $importCommand = "import-module -force " + (join-path $here "..\scriptclass.psd1") $simpleClientScriptPath = "TestDrive:\simplesclientcript.ps1" $parameterizedClientScriptFile = "parameterizedclientscript.ps1" $parameterizedClientScriptPath = join-path "TestDrive:" $parameterizedClientScriptFile $simpleScriptFile = "simplescript.ps1" $simpleScriptPath = join-path TestDrive: $simpleScriptFile $errorscriptFile = "errorscript.ps1" $errorScriptPath = join-path TestDrive: $errorscriptfile $includeOnceFile = 'includeonce.ps1' $includeOncePath = join-path "TestDrive:" $includeoncefile $indirectFile = "indirect.ps1" $indirectPath = join-path TestDrive: $indirectFile $subdirfile = join-path (mkdir "TestDrive:\subdir").fullname subdirfile.ps1 $subdirfile2 = join-path (mkdir -f "TestDrive:\subdir2\subdir2a").fullname subdirfile.ps1 $appfile = "TestDrive:\appfile.ps1" $app2dir = mkdir "TestDrive:\appdir" | select -expandproperty fullname $moduledir = (mkdir "TestDrive:\moduledir").fullname $modulefile = 'modulefile.psm1' $modulefileinclude = 'moduleincludefile.psm1' $modulePath = join-path $moduledir $modulefile $modulePathinclude = join-path $moduledir $modulefileinclude $modulescriptdir1name = 'src/dir1' $modulescriptdir1path = (mkdir (join-path $moduledir src/dir1)).fullname $modulescriptfile1 = 'file1cmdlets.ps1' $modulescriptfile1include = 'file1cmdletsincludevar.ps1' $modulescriptpath1 = join-path $modulescriptdir1path $modulescriptfile1 $modulescriptpath1include = join-path $modulescriptdir1path $modulescriptfile1include $modulescriptdir2name = 'src/dir2' $modulescriptdirpath2 = (mkdir (join-path $moduledir src/dir2)).fullname $modulescriptfile2 = 'file2common.ps1' $modulescriptfile2include = 'file2commoninclude.ps1' $modulescriptpath2 = join-path $modulescriptdirpath2 $modulescriptfile2 $modulescriptpath2include = join-path $modulescriptdirpath2 $modulescriptfile2include $moduleclientdir = (mkdir "TestDrive:\moduleclientdir").fullname $moduleclientFile = 'moduleclientapp.ps1' $moduleclientFileinclude = 'moduleclientincludeapp.ps1' $moduleclientPath = join-path $moduleclientdir $moduleclientfile $moduleclientPathinclude = join-path $moduleclientdir $moduleclientfileinclude $importmodulepathtestcommand = "import-module -force '$modulePath'" $importmodulepathincludetestcommand = "import-module -force '$modulePathinclude'" function remove-ext ([string] $path) { $ext = $path.substring($path.length - 4, 4) if ($ext -ne '.ps1') { throw "Invalid path specified to remove-ext -- missing '.ps1' extension in path '$path'" } $path.substring(0, $path.length - 4) } function run-command([string] $command) { powershell -noprofile -command "`$erroractionpreference = 'stop'; exit (iex '$command')" | out-null $lastexitcode } set-content $errorScriptPath -value @" function incomplete { echo hi "@ set-content $simpleclientscriptpath -value @" $importCommand `$scriptname = '$simplescriptfile'.split('.')[0] # . `$include $(remove-ext $simplescriptfile) . `$include `$scriptname # . (import-script '$(remove-ext $simplescriptfile)') "@ set-content $parameterizedClientScriptPath -value @" param([string] `$fileToInclude, [string] `$exprtoeval = '0') $importCommand `$filename = `$filetoinclude.split('.')[0] . `$include `$filename iex `$exprtoeval "@ set-content $simpleScriptPath -value @" `$simplescriptvar = 2371 function simplescriptfunc { `$simplescriptvar } set-alias set-aliassimple simplescriptfunc "@ set-content $includeOncePath -value @" `$alreadyDefined = try { get-variable includeonce >* $null `$true } catch { `$false } if (`$alreadyDefined) { throw `"Already defined!`" } "@ set-content $indirectPath -value @" $importCommand . `$include $(remove-ext $includeonceFile) . '$parameterizedClientScriptPath' '$includeOnceFile' "@ set-content $modulePath -value @" $importCommand `$modfile = (join-path '$modulescriptdir1name' '$(remove-ext $modulescriptfile1)') . (join-path `$psscriptroot `$modfile) "@ set-content $modulePathinclude -value @" $importCommand `$modfile = (join-path '$modulescriptdir1name' '$(remove-ext $modulescriptfile1include)') . (join-path `$psscriptroot `$modfile) "@ set-content $modulescriptpath1 -value @" . (import-script (join-path '../dir2' $(remove-ext $modulescriptfile2))) function testvalue(`$arg1, `$arg2) { (constantval) + `$arg1 * `$arg2 } "@ set-content $modulescriptpath1include -value @" `$scriptval = 'hi2' `$scriptval = '$(join-path ../dir2 (remove-ext $modulescriptfile2include))' # The use of `$include fails for unknown reasons in the context of this # test, possibly due to scope issues in the way the script block is # invoked. A workaround is to use import-script, which is validated # in a separate test. Any tests using this capability must be marked # pending until the issue is investigated and fixed. # . `$include `$scriptval # The equivalent workaround below works just fine in place of the above line . (import-script `$scriptval) function testvalue(`$arg1, `$arg2) { (constantval) + `$arg1 * `$arg2 } "@ set-content $modulescriptpath2 -value @" function constantval {37 } "@ set-content $modulescriptpath2include -value @" function constantval {37 } "@ set-content $moduleclientpath -value @" param(`$arg1, `$arg2) $importmodulepathtestcommand testvalue `$arg1 `$arg2 "@ set-content $moduleclientpathinclude -value @" param(`$arg1, `$arg2) $importmodulepathincludetestcommand testvalue `$arg1 `$arg2 "@ Context 'When loading source into a script' { It 'should load the valid script file without throwing an exception' { { iex $simpleclientscriptpath | out-null } | Should Not Throw run-command ("& " + (gi $simpleclientscriptpath).fullname) | Should BeExactly 0 } It 'should throw an exception when loading a script file with an error' { { run-command ". `$include $(remove-ext $errorscriptfile)" } | Should Not Throw run-command ". `$include $(remove-ext $errorscriptfile)" | Should Not Be 0 } It 'should process the file only once even if it is included in a script more than once' { { iex "& '$parameterizedClientScriptPath' '$includeOnceFile'" } | Should Not Throw } It 'should process the file only once even if it is included in a script more than once through an indirect inclusion' { { iex "& '$parameterizedClientScriptPath' '$indirectFile'" } | Should Not Throw } It 'should treat include paths as relative to the calling module using import-script' { run-command "& $moduleClientPath 5 3 " | Should Be (5 * 3 + 37) } It 'should treat include paths as relative to the calling module using the $include variable' -pending { run-command "& $moduleClientPathinclude 5 3 " | Should Be (5 * 3 + 37) } It 'should throw an exception if the include path starts with a pathsep' { { iex "& '$parameterizedClientScriptPath' '/$includeOnceFile'" } | Should Throw "Path specified to include-source '/$(remove-ext $includeOnceFile)' started with a path separator which is not allowed -- only relative paths may be specified" { iex "& '$parameterizedClientScriptPath' '\$includeOnceFile'" } | Should Throw "Path specified to include-source '\$(remove-ext $includeOnceFile)' started with a path separator which is not allowed -- only relative paths may be specified" } } } |