# Copyright 2017, Adam Edwards # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set-strictmode -version 2 $erroractionpreference = 'stop' $moduleOutputSubdirectory = 'modules' function Get-SourceRootDirectory { (get-item (split-path -parent $psscriptroot)).fullname } function Get-ModuleName { (get-item (split-path -parent $psscriptroot)).name } function Get-ModuleFromManifest { $basedirectory = get-item (split-path -parent $psscriptroot) $basepath = $basedirectory.fullname $moduleName = Get-ModuleName $moduleManifestPath = join-path $basepath "$moduleName.psd1" test-modulemanifest $moduleManifestPath } function Get-OutputDirectory { $basedirectory = get-item (split-path -parent $psscriptroot) $basepath = $basedirectory.fullname join-path $basepath 'pkg' } function Get-ModuleOutputDirectory { $module = Get-ModuleFromManifest join-path (Get-OutputDirectory) "$moduleOutputSubdirectory/$($$($module.version)" } function Validate-Nugetpresent { get-command nuget | out-null if (! $?) { throw "Nuget is not installed. Please visit to install, then restart PowerShell and try again." } } function Validate-Prerequisites { param ([switch] $verifyInstalledLibraries) validate-nugetpresent if ($verifyInstalledLibraries.ispresent) { $libPath = join-path (Get-SourceRootDirectory) lib $libFilesExist = if ( ! ( test-path $libPath ) ) { $false } else { (ls -r $libPath -filter *.dll) -ne $null } if (! $libFilesExist ) { $installScriptPath = join-path (get-sourcerootdirectory) 'build\install.ps1' throw "No .dll files found under directory '$libPath' or the directory does not exist -- please run '$installScriptPath' to install these dependencies and try again" } } } function Clean-BuildDirectories { $libPath = join-path $psscriptroot '../lib' if (test-path $libPath) { join-path $psscriptroot '../lib' | rm -r -force } $outputDirectory = Get-OutputDirectory if (test-path $outputDirectory) { $outputDirectory | rm -r -force } } function New-ModuleOutputDirectory { [cmdletbinding()] param($targetDirectory = $null, [boolean] $clean) $outputDirectory = if ( $targetDirectory -ne $null ) { $targetDirectory } else { Get-OutputDirectory } if ( ! (test-path $outputDirectory) ) { mkdir $outputDirectory | out-null } elseif (! $clean) { ls $outputDirectory | rm -r -force } (gi $outputDirectory).fullname } function build-module { [cmdletbinding()] param($module, $outputDirectory, [switch] $noclean, [switch] $includeInstalledLibraries) if ( ! (test-path $outputDirectory ) ) { throw "Specified output directory '$outputDirectory' does not exist" } $modulesDirectory = join-path $outputDirectory $moduleOutputSubdirectory if ( (test-path $modulesDirectory) -and ! $noclean.ispresent ) { rm -r -force $modulesDirectory } $thisModuleDirectory = join-path $modulesDirectory $ $targetDirectory = join-path $thisModuleDirectory $module.version.tostring() $verifyInstalledLibrariesArgument = @{verifyInstalledLibraries=$includeInstalledLibraries} validate-prerequisites @verifyInstalledLibrariesArgument mkdir $targetDirectory | out-null $ignorableSegmentCount = ($module.modulebase -split '\\').count $sourceFileList = @() $destinationFileList = @() $module.filelist | foreach { $segments = $_ -split '\\' $relativeSegments = @() $ignorableSegmentCount..($segments.length - 1) | foreach { $relativeSegments += $segments[$_] } $relativePath = $relativeSegments -join '\' $sourceFileList += join-path $module.moduleBase $relativePath $destinationFileList += join-path $targetDirectory $relativePath } 0..($sourceFileList.length - 1) | foreach { $parent = split-path -parent $destinationFileList[ $_ ] if ( ! (test-path $parent) ) { mkdir $parent | out-null } cp $sourceFileList[ $_ ] $destinationFileList[ $_ ] } if ($includeInstalledLibraries.ispresent) { $libSource = join-path $module.moduleBase lib $libTarget = join-path $targetDirectory lib cp -r $libSource $libTarget $copiedLibs = ls -r $libTarget -filter *.dll if ($copiedLibs.length -lt 1) { throw "No libraries copied from '$libSource' to '$libTarget'" } } $targetDirectory } function build-nugetpackage { [cmdletbinding()] param( $module, $outputDirectory, [switch] $includeInstalledLibraries ) if( !( test-path $outputDirectory) ) { throw "Specified output path '$outputDirectory' does not exist" } $nugetManifest = join-path $module.modulebase "$($" write-host "Using .nuspec file '$nugetManifest'..." $packageOutputDirectory = join-path $outputDirectory 'nuget' if ( ! (test-path $packageOutputDirectory) ) { mkdir $packageOutputDirectory | out-null } else { ls -r $packageOutputDirectory *.nupkg | rm } $verifyInstalledLibrariesArgument = @{verifyInstalledLibraries=$includeInstalledLibraries} validate-prerequisites @verifyInstalledLibrariesArgument write-host "Building nuget package from manifest '$nugetManifest'..." write-host "Output directory = '$packageOutputDirectory'..." $nugetbuildcmd = "& nuget pack '$nugetManifest' -outputdirectory '$packageOutputdirectory' -nopackageanalysis -version '$($module.version)'" write-host "Executing command: ", $nugetbuildcmd iex $nugetbuildcmd $buildResult = $lastexitcode if ( $buildResult -ne 0 ) { write-host -f red "Build failed with status code $buildResult." throw "Command `"$nugetbuildcmd`" failed with exit status $buildResult" } $packagePath = ((ls $packageOutputdirectory -filter *.nupkg) | select -first 1).fullname $packageName = split-path -leaf $packagePath $packageVersion = $packageName.substring($ + 1, $packageName.length - ($ + ".nupkg".length + 1)) if ( $packageVersion -ne $module.version ) { throw "Generated package version '$packageVersion' does not match module version '$($module.version)' for package '$($'" } $packagePath } function Get-RepositoryKeyFromFile($path) { $fileData = get-content $path $keyContent = if ( $fileData -is [string] ) { $fileData } else { $fileData[0] } $keyContent.trim() } function publish-modulebuild { [cmdletbinding()] param( $moduleSourceDirectory = $null, $destinationRepositoryName = $null, $repositoryKey = $null, [switch] $force) $manifestPaths = ls $moduleSourceDirectory -filter *.psd1 if ( $manifestPaths.length -lt 1 ) { throw "No '.psd1' PowerShell module manifest files found at path '$moduleSourceDirectory'" } if ( $manifestPaths -is [Object[]] ) { $manifestPaths | fl throw "More than one '.psd1' PowerShell module manifest files found at path '$moduleSourceDirectory'" } $module = Test-ModuleManifest $manifestPaths[0] if ( (get-psrepository $destinationRepositoryName 2>$null) -eq $null ) { throw "Unable to find destination repository '$destinationRepositoryName' -- supply the correct repository name or register one with register-psrepository" } $forceArgument = @{force=$force} publish-module -path $moduleSourceDirectory -repository $destinationRepositoryName -verbose @forceArgument -nugetapikey $repositoryKey } |