# This script prefixes the TFS/VSTS version string with a branch name. # It will trigger a build number update in VSTS unless the skip switch is specified. # A process variable "versionPrefix" will contain the added text. # The output of the script will be the updated version string (even if no update was made). # # If in the primary branch, the version string is not modified (but the prefix is still emitted as empty string). function Set-VersionStringBranchPrefix { [CmdletBinding()] param( # Name of the primary branch. Builds in any other branch get the branch name as a version string prefix. [Parameter()] [string]$primaryBranchName = "master", # If set, will not update the build number in VSTS and just write it to output. Useful when calling # from another script that already sets the build number, as this action is racy and should be done only once. # # The prefix variable will always be set as this script is the source of truth for the prefix. [Parameter()] [switch]$skipBuildNumberUpdate ) $version = $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER if (!$version) { Write-Error "Unable to detect version string." return } if ($env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH) { # This is an Azure PR build. $sourceRef = $env:SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_SOURCEBRANCH } elseif ($env:GITHUB_REF) { # This is a GitHub build (either PR or regular) $sourceRef = $env:GITHUB_REF # If this is a PR, use the head (foreign) branch ref instead of the triggering ref. if ($env:GITHUB_HEAD_REF) { $sourceRef = $env:GITHUB_HEAD_REF } else { # GitHub workflows run this logic for all builds. Don't prefix if there's nothing special. if ($sourceRef -eq "refs/heads/$primaryBranchName") { $sourceRef = "" } } } elseif ($env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME -and $env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME -ne $primaryBranchName) { # This is an Azure build of a branch but is not a pull request. # If we are not in the primary branch, stick the branch name in front (lowercase). $versionPrefix = ($env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME).ToLower() } else { # We can't determine any prefix to add - might just be a build from the primary branch and that's all. } if ($sourceRef) { # We obtained the reference to the source branch but don't have the prefix figured out yet. # So we cut the reference string (refs/heads/abc123) after the last / and life is easy again. # NB! This only leaves the branch name but loses any other information on the type of reference. if ($sourceRef.Contains("/")) { $versionPrefix = $sourceRef.Substring($sourceRef.LastIndexOf("/") + 1) } else { # What? Not sure - should have been a reference with the /s in it but okay, just go with it. $versionPrefix = $sourceRef } } if ($versionPrefix) { # Replace all '_' in $versionPrefix with '-' before combining it with $version because '_' will fail version # string validation. $versionPrefix = $versionPrefix.Replace("_", "-"); Write-Host "Prefixing version string with '$versionPrefix' to signal the branch." $version = $versionPrefix + "-" + $version # Export a versionstring.prefix variable so this can be easily referenced later on without string manipulation. # We will even include the dash in there so consumers can just stick it in there and it will work either way. Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=versionstring.prefix;]$versionPrefix-" Write-Output $version if (!$skipBuildNumberUpdate) { Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$version" Write-Host "Version string has been updated to contain a prefix and the update has been published." } else { Write-Host "Version string has been updated to contain a prefix but the update has not been published." } } else { Write-Host "Will not prefix the version string with anything because we are in the primary branch." # Still write it to output for equivalent output. Write-Output $version Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=versionstring.prefix;]" } } |