$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function Get-TimeBasedNuGetVersionString() { # Only compatible with Azure DevOps (for now). # Assumption: we are executing in pipeline whose name is the version string from Set-TimeBasedVersionString.ps1 # The full version string is expected to be of the form [branch-name-]1111.2222.33-abcabca[-foobar] # The NuGet version string form will be 1111.2222.33[-foobar]. # Number of digits may vary in some components. $original = $env:BUILD_BUILDNUMBER if (!$original) { Write-Error "BUILD_BUILDNUMBER environment variable not defined." } $parser = '^(?<branch>.*-)?(?<versionnumber>\d{4}\.\d{3,4}\.\d+)-.+?(?<suffix>-.+)?$' if (-not ($original -match $parser)) { Write-Error "Pipeline name $original does not match regex: $buildNumberParser" } $versionnumber = $Matches.versionnumber $suffix = $Matches.suffix $nugetVersionString = "$versionnumber$suffix" Write-Host "NuGet version string is $nugetVersionString" Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=NUGET_VERSION_STRING;]$nugetVersionString" return $nugetVersionString } |