function Sync-QuibbleTask { <# .SYNOPSIS Synchronize Microsoft To Do tasks and Habitica todos .DESCRIPTION Synchronize Microsoft To Do tasks and Habitica todos .PARAMETER Confirm Confirm to proceed synchronization .PARAMETER Bidirectional Synchronize Microsoft To Do tasks and Habitica todos Bidirectionally .PARAMETER WhatIf Dry-Run the synchronization .NOTES .LINK .EXAMPLE Sync-QuibbleTask -Verbose Synchronize all to-dos #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Low' )] param ( [Parameter()] [switch] $Bidirectional ) try { $habiticaCredentialSecretName = Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName quibble.Secrets.HabiticaCredentialSecretName -NotNull [pscredential]$habiticaCredential = Get-Secret -Name $habiticaCredentialSecretName if ($null -eq $habiticaCredential) { throw 'Habitica Credential is null' } if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) { $habiticaCredentialPlain = [PSCustomObject] @{ UserName = $habiticaCredential.UserName Password = $habiticaCredential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } [PSCustomObject]$habiticaCredential = $habiticaCredentialPlain } Connect-Habitica -Credential $habiticaCredential $hUser = Get-HabiticaUser Write-Information "Habitica user is $($" Connect-MgGraph -Scopes @('User.Read', 'Tasks.Read', 'Tasks.ReadWrite') $mgUser = Get-MgUser Write-Information "Microsoft Graph user is $($mgUser.DisplayName)" $msLists = Get-MgUserTodoList -UserId $mgUser.Id -All $hTags = Get-HabiticaTag $hTodos = Get-HabiticaTask -Type todos $hCompletedTodos = Get-HabiticaTask -Type completedTodos $associations = @() foreach ($msList in $msLists) { if ($msList.IsOwner -and ($msList.WellknownListName -eq 'none')) { foreach ($hTag in $hTags) { if ($msList.DisplayName.Contains($ { $associations += [PSCustomObject]@{ MsTodoList = $msList HabiticaTag = $hTag } } } } } foreach ($association in $associations) { $msTodoListTasks = Get-MgUserTodoListTask -TodoTaskListId $association.MsTodoList.Id -UserId $mgUser.Id -All Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Microsoft To-Do List '$($association.MsTodoList.DisplayName)'" foreach ($msTodoListTask in $msTodoListTasks) { if (-not $msTodoListTask.Recurrence.Pattern.Type) { Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Microsoft To-Do '$($msTodoListTask.Title)' $($msTodoListTask.Status)" if ($msTodoListTask.Status -eq 'completed') { foreach ($hTodo in $hTodos) { if ($hTodo.text -eq $msTodoListTask.Title) { Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Habitica To-Do '$($hTodo.text)' will be completed" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Habitica To-Do '$($hTodo.text)' will be completed", $hTodo.text, 'Complete')) { $hTodo | Complete-HabiticaTask Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Habitica To-Do '$($hTodo.text)' completed" } } } } elseif ($msTodoListTask.Status -eq 'notStarted') { $msTodoListTaskTitle = $msTodoListTask.Title.Normalize([System.Text.NormalizationForm]::FormD) $msTodoListTaskTitle = $msTodoListTaskTitle.Replace("’", "'") $uni = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($msTodoListTaskTitle) $ascii = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($uni) $msTodoListTaskTitle = $ascii.Normalize([System.Text.NormalizationForm]::FormD) $msTodoListTaskTitle = $msTodoListTaskTitle.Replace("$([char]0x0000)", '') $msTodoListTaskTitle = $msTodoListTaskTitle.Replace('', '') $hTodo = $hTodos | Where-Object { $PSItem.text -eq $msTodoListTaskTitle } $hCompletedTodo = $hCompletedTodos | Where-Object { $PSItem.text -eq $msTodoListTaskTitle } if ((-not $hTodo) -and (-not $hCompletedTodo)) { Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Habitica To-Do '$msTodoListTaskTitle' will be created" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Habitica To-Do '$($msTodoListTaskTitle)' will be created", $msTodoListTaskTitle, 'Create')) { New-HabiticaTask -Type todo -Tags $ -Text $msTodoListTaskTitle -Notes $msTodoListTask.Body.Content Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Habitica To-Do '$msTodoListTaskTitle' created" } } } } } if ($Bidirectional) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 $msTodoListTasks = Get-MgUserTodoListTask -TodoTaskListId $association.MsTodoList.Id -UserId $mgUser.Id -All $hTodos = Get-HabiticaTask -Type todos $hCompletedTodos = Get-HabiticaTask -Type completedTodos $hTodos = $hTodos | Where-Object { $PSItem.tags -contains $ } $hCompletedTodos = $hCompletedTodos | Where-Object { $PSItem.tags -contains $ } foreach ($hTodo in $hTodos) { if (-not ($msTodoListTasks | Where-Object { $PSItem.Title -eq $hTodo.text })) { $hTodoText = $hTodo.text $hTodoNotes = $hTodo.notes Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Microsoft To-Do '$hTodoText' will be created" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess( "Microsoft To-Do '$($hTodoText)' will be created", $hTodoText, 'Create')) { $msTodoListTaskBody = [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models.MicrosoftGraphItemBody]::new() $msTodoListTaskBody.Content = $hTodoNotes $msTodoListTaskBody.ContentType = 'text' New-MgUserTodoListTask -TodoTaskListId $association.MsTodoList.Id -UserId $mgUser.Id -Title $hTodoText -Body $msTodoListTaskBody Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Microsoft To-Do '$hTodoText' created" } } } } } } catch { throw $_ } } |