
    # Module manifest for module 'pykick'
    RootModule = 'pykick.psm1'
    ModuleVersion = '1.0.3'
    GUID = '643363bd-16dd-47da-b7b2-d398b205a782'
    Author = 'Michel TRUONG'
    Copyright = '(c) 2024 Michel TRUONG. All rights reserved.'
    Description = @'
PyKick is a highly configurable PowerShell tool designed to streamline the creation of new Python projects.
With PyKick, you can quickly generate a project with a standardized directory structure, Git versioning, an isolated Conda environment, and a ready-to-use Sphinx documentation setup. Ideal for developers looking to save time and maintain consistency across their projects.
Happy coding! Cheers =}

    FunctionsToExport = @('PyKick')
    CmdletsToExport = @()
    VariablesToExport = @()
    AliasesToExport = @()
    PrivateData = @{
        PSData = @{
            Tags = @('PowerShell', 'PyKick', 'Python', 'Project', 'Scaffolding')
            ProjectUri = ''
            LicenseUri = ''