.SYNOPSIS Converts a STIX attack pattern JSON file to a PowerShell object. .DESCRIPTION This function takes a STIX attack pattern JSON file and converts it into a PowerShell object suitable for the Push-IndicatorsToSentinel function. .PARAMETER StixAttackPatternJsonFile The path to the STIX attack pattern JSON file. .RETURNS A PowerShell object representing the converted STIX attack pattern. .EXAMPLE $result = ConvertFrom-StixAttackPattern -StixAttackPatternJsonFile "path\to\stixattackpattern.json" Write-Output $result .NOTES This function assumes that the STIX attack pattern JSON file contains the necessary properties. #> function ConvertFrom-StixAttackPattern { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The path to the STIX attack pattern JSON file.")] [string]$StixAttackPatternJsonFile, $SourceSystem = "pwshuploadindicatorsapi" ) # Read JSON file content $StixAttackPatternJson = Get-Content -Path $StixAttackPatternJsonFile -Raw # Convert JSON to PowerShell object $StixAttackPattern = $StixAttackPatternJson | ConvertFrom-Json # Create the PowerShell object $attackPattern = @{ type = "attack-pattern" spec_version = "2.1" id = $ created = $StixAttackPattern.created modified = $StixAttackPattern.modified created_by_ref = $StixAttackPattern.created_by_ref revoked = $StixAttackPattern.revoked labels = $StixAttackPattern.labels confidence = $StixAttackPattern.confidence lang = $StixAttackPattern.lang object_marking_refs = $StixAttackPattern.object_marking_refs granular_markings = $StixAttackPattern.granular_markings extensions = $StixAttackPattern.extensions external_references = $StixAttackPattern.external_references name = $ description = $StixAttackPattern.description kill_chain_phases = $StixAttackPattern.kill_chain_phases aliases = $StixAttackPattern.aliases } # Create the output object $output = @{ sourcesystem = $SourceSystem stixobjects = @($attackPattern) } return $output } |